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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2021/February 12

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Word of the day
for February 12
Darwinian adj
  1. Senses relating to Charles and Erasmus Darwin.
    1. Of or pertaining to the scientific views advanced by the English biologist, geologist, and naturalist Charles Darwin, especially his theory that living organisms evolve through the natural selection of inherited variations that increase organisms' ability to compete, survive, and reproduce.
    2. (by extension) Of or pertaining to Darwinism, which includes the theories of Charles Darwin and other scientists.
    3. (by extension) Competitive, especially in a ruthless manner.
    4. (by extension) Exhibiting an ability to adapt or develop in order to survive; adaptable.
    5. (chiefly historical) Of or pertaining to the philosophical and scientific views, or poetic style, of the natural philosopher, physiologist, and poet Erasmus Darwin.
  2. Of or pertaining to Darwin, the capital city of the Northern Territory, Australia.

Darwinian n

  1. Senses relating to Charles and Erasmus Darwin.
    1. An adherent of Charles Darwin's theory of the origin of species, or of Darwinism.
    2. (obsolete, rare) An adherent of the philosophical and scientific views, or poetic style, of Erasmus Darwin.
  2. A native or resident of Darwin in the Northern Territory, Australia.

English biologist, geologist, and naturalist Charles Darwin, who is best known for his contributions towards the science of evolution, was born on this day in 1809.

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