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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2020/December 16

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Word of the day
for December 16
reconciliation n
  1. The re-establishment of friendly relations; conciliation, rapprochement.
  2. (accounting) The process of comparing and resolving apparent differences between sets of accounting records, or between accounting records and bank statements, receipts, etc.
  3. Religious senses.
    1. (Christianity) The end of estrangement between a human and God as a result of atonement.
    2. (Christianity) The reconsecration of a desecrated church or other holy site.
    3. (Christianity, chiefly Roman Catholicism) Admission of a person to membership of the church, or readmission after the person has previously left the church.
    4. (Roman Catholicism) Short for sacrament of reconciliation (a sacrament (sacred ritual) formerly called confession, involving contrition by a person, confessing sins to a priest, penance performed by the person, and absolution granted by the priest).

Today is the Day of Reconciliation in South Africa, which aims to foster reconciliation and national unity for the country.

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