Tagalog: deva is Diwa in tagalog term.one of its dialect called dumagat has this word "Dewe" for deva- a close cousin of sanskrit and kavi.good spirit is "mabuting diwa" in tagalog, "masampat a dewe " in dumagat. Willy agrimano
Translate "love kills" to greek
Hi! Does anyone know how to translate love kills into greek? and how to pronounce it also!
I would appreciate it soo much cuz its for a tattoo i really want
Did you want modern Greek? Ηαγάπηκαταστρέφει. NB—This is a figurative sense and NOT a literal translation as would be suggested by "Love murders." An approximate pronunciation would be /hi a.ˈɣa.pi ka.ta.ˈstɾɛ.ɸɪ/—Strabismus22:15, 1 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
IPA for Arabic vowels
What are exactly the Arabic standard vowels and what's their standard IPA, if this can be said about Arabic at all (MSA).
In particular, I am interested in fatha, whether the correct symbols are /ɑ(ː)/ and /æ(ː)/, e.g. قلب /qɑlb/ - "heart" and كلب /kælb/ - "dog". Other candidates are /ɛ̈/, /ɐ/. Is there an online source for it? Anatoli02:55, 2 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
If you have an iPod or other similar device, and have an interest in standard Arabic, you ought to check out ArabicPod. It's very fun and EXTREMELY helpful. It's hosted by Mohamed Moshaya and the teacher is one Ehab Saleh. Ehab's pronunciations are outstanding, to say the very least! His renderings are very centralized; e.g., قلب will be pronounced as /qʌlb/, غرفة (room) as /ˈɣʊɾ.fə/, ليش (why) as /lëːʃ/ (and not /lai̯ʃ/), etc. If you are familiar with transcribing what you listen to using the IPA, you should be able to pick up ALOT of good tips from Ehab. Check it out! :)—Strabismus04:03, 2 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks, Strabismus. I am actually familiar with ArabicPod but I stopped using it when they introduced subscriptions, I saved a number of transcripts before the site a paid one. I agree his accent is great. No, I can't convert sounds to IPA easily but I am searching for an online source describing the Arabic phonology in a more or less standard IPA. Yes, I am very interested in MSA but not spending too much time on it right now, as I am busy with Mandarin and Japanese but sometimes spend whole evenings, reading and listening to new texts. Anatoli04:14, 2 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
You can still get the episodes for free via iTunes or any other podcatcher. Or are you concerned with getting the pdf transcriptions as well? If so, I am too, but the strange thing is that I have never even seen the pdf transcriptions; even though I've heard about them (via their mentionings on the podcasts). I can kind of pick up on the subtleties through listening, but I too would like to "see" what I am hearing. At any rate, have you looked at the WP article on Arabic phonology? It deals mostly with MSA. There's also a pdf you can download on Arabic phonology. And if you're curious, there's a discussion on three areas of Arabic phonology. Google books has a few limited previews on this topic as well; e.g., this. Enjoy and good luck!—Strabismus22:03, 3 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks, Strabismus, although listening resources are useful, I already have some. I can tell, which sounds are pronounced but I'd like something supported by reliable sources. For example, I can't say with 100% certainty how much of vowel reduction exists in Arabic. So, is مدينة pronounced /mæˈdiːnɐ/, /məˈdiːnɐ/ or /mæˈdiːnæ/? To me, the first is correct but if I decide that this is one or the other, this will be an "original research".
I wonder if someone can help with a complete list of consonants, which affect the choice between the choice between [æ] and [ɑ] (pronunciation of fatha). What are the other consonants, apart from /ħ ʕ tˤ dˤ ðˤ sˤ/, which cause [ɑ]? I think /ɣ/ should be included (e.g. غداً). What about /x/ (e.g. خمسة)? Not so sure about /r/. Anatoli02:59, 5 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
The emphatic consonants almost always alter the following vowel. Same goes with the pharyngeals ح and ع, sometimes غ and occasionally خ. These may vary from dialect to dialect but the important thing to remember is that consonants pronounced with emphasis or tension often make it difficult for the muscles of the throat and tongue to return to their normal position in time before the following vowel is articulated.—Strabismus20:21, 5 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you, Strabismus. Do you think there are any exceptions to the rule about the 4 letters you mentioned?
If you have a Wikipedia account, please join our discussion here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:IPA_for_Arabic. Please note the last comment from user Szfski. I am stretching my knowledge now and I can't find reosurces. User Ƶ§œš¹ (Aeusoes1) has provided quotes from Watson's book but it seems not everybody agrees.
Created as son of God in his image of love, do I live as a son of God. I await the coming of the savior Christ in glory, and the completion of God's purpose for the world for he loved it so much that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.I shall live my life not to want or need for he shall provide me with love, with that love shall I be saved, forever shall I be a son of God
for a project
I would like reduce, reuse, recycle translated to as many prominent languages as possible. (They must be in imperative forms and please do not give any non-Latin script using languages other than Japanese, Chinese, Greek, and stuff using the Cyrillic alphabet.50 Xylophone Playerstalk12:20, 4 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
reduce - reducera! (or "minska" or "begränsa"; it would depend on context)
hi everyone..can anybody help me? i need the phrase "Jesus my Lord and Savior" translated into aramaic for a tattoo..itd be much appreciated. thank you
english to latin
'Our father who are in heaven'
I would like to get it inked, but I can't find it anywhere big enough to have it transfered over.
i am depsrite here. i need to get the aramaic translation of...
I am the way the truth and the light, no man can come to me but through my father
Hm, this is some kind of distortion. The original is and the life ... to my Father but through me - ego sum via et veritas et vita nemo venit ad Patrem nisi per me. Anyway, the translation of the correct quotation of the Sacra Scriptura is: ܐܢܐ ܐܢܐ ܐܘܪܚܐ ܘܫܪܪܐ ܘܚܝ ܠܐ ܐܢܫ ܐܬܐ ܠܘܬ ܐܒܝ ܐܠܐ ܐܢ ܒܝ . Anyway, it is up to you to replace ܚܝ with ܢܘܗܪܐ, if you are so keen to distort the original script. The uſerhight Bogormconverſation19:08, 7 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
English to Celtic
I would like the following to be translated into Celtic.
"George you're my home"
Please translate!
i would like to know what the phrase:
"You have My heart Forever and always"
would be in irish-gaelic
Thanks to anyone who can help!!
Can someone translate the word maranatha from the new testament into aramaic?
English to Latin
I am looking for some help translating the phrase "My life for you" from english into Latin. I am going to have this engraved in my and my wifes wedding rings.
Thank you very much !
english to aramaic "child of God"
Im looking for the translation into aramaic for "a child of God"
I know it is somewhat similar to arabic, طفل الله. but exactly that way.
Thank you for any help you may have on this— This comment was unsigned.
ברדאלהא? Doesn't sound right somehow. Compare בית אלהא, which appears in the book of Ezra. And I used Aramaic script (in the sense of "one of the appropriate scripts for the Aramaic language"). {{tmr}} uses {{Hebr}} AFAIK.—msh210℠19:52, 11 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I thought at first about ܒܪ ܕܐܠܗܐ , and only after that did I search Peshitta for this expression (which comes up oftentimes). It turned out to be ܒܪܗ ܕܐܠܗܐ (/sorry, I am unable to type it after the Estrangelo/ 9:9 Evangelium of ܡܬܝ ), but I have no idea what the bold ܗ stands for... I shall summon 334a to umpire. See also google resultsThe uſerhight Bogormconverſation20:06, 11 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Well, בראדאלהא sounds right, in addition to my original suggestion. But not ברדאלהא. ברא is "the son/child", whereas בר is "the son/child of". If you use the latter, you don't use ד־. I think.—msh210℠20:18, 11 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Bogorm, would you do me a huge favor? Could you translate
Let my ruins become the ground you build upon.
into Hebrew and/or Aramaic? I would greatly appreciate it! Also use vowel pointing if possible. (BTW, the quote is supposed to be said from a humble man to God.) Thank you!—Strabismus21:17, 11 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry to disappoint you, but I can not translate it (anything) into Hebrew, since I am completely unfamiliar with that language, and would rather not try to do it into Aramaic, because my knowledge of it is elementary. The uſerhight Bogormconverſation23:01, 11 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry for the delayed response: it's because I can't really help you and was hoping someone else could (and then I forgot about this request). I can help with part of it. The original, "Let my ruins become the ground you build upon", sounds somewhat poetic to me, so I've tried translating this into a similar register. "Let my ruins become" is then תִּהְיֶנָהחׇרְבוֹתַי.—msh210℠19:42, 1 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. Are you using the jussive? i.e., "let such-and-such happen" Also, "the ground you build upon" could probably be rendered in other ways; e.g., "a foundation for you", etc.—Strabismus20:20, 1 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I appreciate what you have done already! I wonder how I can translate the second part, which could also be worded "the ground which you will use for building".—Strabismus23:04, 1 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]
daughter of god in aramic
Hi I am trying to find the translation of "daughter of god" in aramic, it will be great if somebody can help me.
English to Tamil Translation
I would love to have some help translating my half Tamil son's name (Tyler William-Zaraja) into Tamil. I am aware that his name has letters that are not in the Tamil alphabet. I just want him to know what it would look like in his father's native language¹. thanks
¹Then why not ask the father how it's written? Also, Zaraja is the name of a place in Yemen, is this perhaps where the boy receives his name? Another spelling would be ஸராஜ.—Strabismus20:05, 19 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Because his father died.
thanks for the translation Stephen. It is appreciated.
I am sorry to hear that! How did your son receive his name? Is it related to Zarājah in Yemen? Or is it from a Dravidian source?—Strabismus20:21, 20 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Actually it is based on Suraj, but my family name is Zarate so in absolute american style i combined them. Not usual, but it means alot to us. And I have a few Yemenite friends who do appreciate the name. Thank you again for the translations. ;)
By the power of every moment of your goodness
May your heart's wishes be soon fulfilled
as completely shining as the bright full moon,
as magically as by a wish-fulfilling gem.
By the power of every moment of your goodness
May all dangers be averted and all disease be gone.
May no obstacle come across your way.
May you enjoy fulfillment and long life.
Thank you! And how are you translatin all of these things??
Wait, it appears to be Swahili and means something as an eye for an eye. Literally: the remedy for fire is fire. Mallerd13:14, 22 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Hi i am wanting to get a phrase "live the life you love, love the life you live"
tattooed in arabic, can anyone translate this into arabic script?
Do you really want such a contradictory statement tattooed? On one hand it implies that if you are not living the life you love, you should change it (live the life you love). On the other hand it says you don't have to change your life, only love it. Mallerd09:36, 24 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
But in English it sounds good, irrespective of meaning. Part of the reason is the alliteration, so it may not be as good in other languages. Since this is for a permanent tattoo, be sure that you verify this with at least 2 or 3 native speakers before you use it. It can probably be improved on.
What I would like you to translate is a name in Turkish.It's my sons name which is EGE. Its EGEAN in English.Please if you can translate it into Sanskrit it would be greatly appreciated.Thank you so much for taking your time to help me.