Wiktionary:Requested entries (Danish)
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[edit]- abild (“apple tree”)
- arbejdsnarkoman
[edit]- bestand PseudoSkull (talk) 05:43, 7 April 2018 (UTC)
- Is it really "From Low German bestant", and not from Low German Bestant or Bestand or Middle Low German bestant?
- @ (Not sure pinging IPs works) Politiken's Nudansk Ordbog also says "from Low German bestant (and adds that bestant is a verbal noun formed from bestân cf. bestå), but "Low German" (nedertysk) probably means Middle Low German. I've never seen Low German nouns being capitalized in etymologies.__Gamren (talk) 00:39, 7 January 2019 (UTC)
- Den Danske Ordbog distinguishes between middelnedertysk and nedertysk, and gives the latter as the origin of bestand[1]. Compare boghvede. Vox Sciurorum (talk) 15:07, 26 October 2020 (UTC)
- @ (Not sure pinging IPs works) Politiken's Nudansk Ordbog also says "from Low German bestant (and adds that bestant is a verbal noun formed from bestân cf. bestå), but "Low German" (nedertysk) probably means Middle Low German. I've never seen Low German nouns being capitalized in etymologies.__Gamren (talk) 00:39, 7 January 2019 (UTC)
- Is it really "From Low German bestant", and not from Low German Bestant or Bestand or Middle Low German bestant?
- bøvelse - A translation given for Podunk is Østre Bøvelse. (In the USA we sometimes use East Bumfuck as a name of a nowhere place. In my experience the direction, when supplied, is East.) Vox Sciurorum (talk) 20:13, 10 January 2021 (UTC)
- blomster - the etymology for blomst mentions this as an older form, not sure if this means an older form in Modern Danish or a word in Old Danish? It's blue because it has the plural of blomst, but missing this older form.
- Bohuslen - place in Sweden
- bekkebunge - apparent etymon of the species name "beccabunga", as in the European speedwell (Veronica beccabunga).
- bøfsandwich - see List of hamburgers
- bukselomme - Pants pocket
- bamsing (“thick, clumsy person; big and fat animal”) - mentioned in the Norwegian dictionary naob.no for the Norwegian word "bamse" (teddy bear).
- bryggerset - brewery room which is used as a kitchen, but also having washing machines?
- Definite form of bryggers, a contraction of brygger-hus: https://ordnet.dk/ddo/ordbog?query=bryggerset
[edit]- camouflere / kamuflere (alternatives per DDO)
[edit]- forunderlig - Norwegian forunderlig is translated strange but perhaps remarkable is better?
- døgling - a kind of dolphin
[edit]- feltpræst
- fline - dialectal, meaning "to laugh contemptuously or indecently". Mentioned in the etymology of fline in the Norwegian Academy Dictionary
- forfærde
- forkontor
- forpuppe - pupate
- flosset
- frisure
- fedtemøg - Danish word of the year
[edit]- gammelsvensk - the same as Old Swedish in English?
- god arbejdslyst - interjection to wish someone a pleasant day at work (?)
- Does not specifically have to be used in that context, it can simply be an interjection used to wish that somebody's work with anything will go well.
- gamme (“sheephold; shed”) - see Old Armenian գոմ (gom)
[edit]- hønse
- hvad er højest, Rundetårn eller et tordenskrald? ("which is tallest/loudest, the Round Tower or a thunderclap?") ~= mix apples and oranges (according to Wikipedia)
- Husum protestsvin - may be clipped as just a "protestsvin"?
- happe - see Proto-Germanic *hampijaną
[edit]- kolonialhandel, kolonialhandler
- kolonialvare - source of kolonial in the sense "groceries". Should note that this originally referred to goods taken from overseas colonies, as explained here.
- knort - older Danish word, not sure if Old Danish. Related to German Knortz and Norwegian knort
- Klintekongen
- kredsret
- krakke - see Icelandic krakki
[edit]- licitere - Source: DDO
- livmoderhals
[edit]- masur - apparently some kind of wood
- I think this is a variant of maser, Acer campestre. Compare Middle English maser, Proto-Germanic *masuraz. Vox Sciurorum (talk) 22:13, 13 November 2020 (UTC)
- ODS says that it is especially used for Acer campestre, but defines maser more generally as a tree with "maser formations". The second definition is "a bulbous hypertrophic formation, that occurs on the trunk or branches of certain trees (especially various species of maple), whose wood, due to its characteristic structure, is used for fine works of carpentry". There's probably some English word for this.__Gamren (talk) 21:25, 7 December 2020 (UTC)
- The formations are burls (or a burl is one such formation). I don't know offhand if there is a word for a tree with burls. Vox Sciurorum (talk) 21:43, 7 December 2020 (UTC)
- ODS says that it is especially used for Acer campestre, but defines maser more generally as a tree with "maser formations". The second definition is "a bulbous hypertrophic formation, that occurs on the trunk or branches of certain trees (especially various species of maple), whose wood, due to its characteristic structure, is used for fine works of carpentry". There's probably some English word for this.__Gamren (talk) 21:25, 7 December 2020 (UTC)
- I think this is a variant of maser, Acer campestre. Compare Middle English maser, Proto-Germanic *masuraz. Vox Sciurorum (talk) 22:13, 13 November 2020 (UTC)
- millionbøf
- mistillid
- mosebølle
[edit]- næstmest
- nusse (“to caress”) - see Proto-Finnic *nussidak (“to fuck, to have sex with”)
- Nehm - a surname
[edit]- rummelpot - "In Northern Germany and Southern Denmark, children dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating on New Year's Eve in a tradition called "Rummelpott". Rummelpott has experienced a massive decrease in popularity over recent decades, although some towns and communities are trying to revive it." The spelling "rummelpot" seems to be used in sønderjysk, as in this poem
- "Fru, fru, lok e døe op! Æ rummelpot vil ind. De kom æ skib fra Holland. De hav så goj en vind. Styrmand vil vi prise. Kaptajnene vil vi hejse, sæt æ sejl op i æ top, å gi mæ naue i æ rummelpot."
[edit]- Sasja: girl's name
- scenarie n, scenario n (different forms of the same word), see also usage notes for Norwegian Bokmål scenario.
- skolebestyrer - Google Translate says "principal" (of a school). Sandy Toksvig credited as this on QI Series S E2.
- skyggetante - Literally "shadow aunt". Used about a character in a story who is not a major player but appears throughout the story. An episode of the popular Danish Tv-series "Matador" is titled "Skyggetanten", referring to the character of Elisabeth Friis, who is a "skyggetante" in the story.
- snibe (“snore, simmer”) - (Possibly Old Danish) likely etymon of snive (ganders), see Danish Lexicon.
- snive - ganders
- sprogbrug (“language usage”)
- spærrevæske - Literally "blocking fluid". Merchant websites explain that its purpose is to prevent evaporation from drains and thus minimize bad smells.
- stolpre - see Icelandic stelpa
- Storebælt = Great Belt
- Stendorff - a surname
[edit]- tabermand
- tip = English tip (“advice”)?
- transitere - Source: ODS
[edit]- udføre
- udsendelse
- urtekræmmer - [2]
- uvan - "Betydninger" rasende, olm; ustyrlig om dyr SPROGBRUG sjældent or like Norwegian Nynorsk uvan; unaccustomed (to) inexperienced?
- uvant - Antonym of familiar?
[edit]- voksenpoint – I've added the translation hub grown-up point, but do I not know Danish enough to add the entry myself.
- vott
[edit]- Wentzel - a surname