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Wiktionary:Old Anatolian Turkish transliteration

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These are the rules concerning transliteration in Old Anatolian Turkish entries.


No. Letter Name of letter Transcription IPA
1 ا älif a, ä, e, i, ı, o, u, ö, ü any short vowel, primarily /ɑ/, /æ ~ ɛ/, /e/
1b آ ā, a /ɑ/, /ɑː/
2 ب b /b/
3 پ p /p/
4 ت t /t/
5 ث s /s/
6 ج cīm c /d͡ʒ/
7 چ çīm ç /t͡ʃ/
8 ح ḥē /ħ/ ?
9 خ ḫē /x/
10 د dāl d /d/
11 ذ zāl z /z/
12 ر r /r/
13 ز z /z/
14 ژ j /ʒ/
15 س sīn s /s/
16 ش şīn ş /ʃ/
17 ص sād s /s/ ?
18 ض dād z, d /z/, /d/ ?
19 ط ṭā /d̥/, /d/, /t/ (see below)
20 ظ z /z/, /d/ ?
21 ع ʼayn ʼ /ʔ/
22 غ ġayn ġ /ɢ/, /ɣ/ ?
23 ف f /f/
24 ق qāf q /q/
25 ك kāf k /k/
kāf-ı nūnī ŋ /ŋ/
gāf g /ɡ/
26 ل lām l /l/
27 م mīm m /m/
28 ن nūn n /n/
29 و vāv v, ū, u, ü, o, ö /v/, /uː/, /u/, /y/, /œ/, /o/
30 ه h, ä, a /h/, /æ ~ ɛ/, /ɑ/
31 ی y, ī , ē, i, ı, e /j/, /iː/, /eː/, /ɯ/, /i/, /e/
0 ء hämzä ʼ, – /ʔ/


  • ط should be transliterated with ṭ U+1E6D LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH DOT BELOW with the assumed value of /d̥/. However, during the 14th Century, this letter develops into /t/ and /d/ accoring to the context. This development should be reserved to the pronunciation section.



Since vowels are not represented by their own letters in Old Anatolian Turkish, they must be transliterated according to their phonemic value.

Vowel Sound Transcription
/ɑ/ a
/ɑː/ ā
/æ ~ ɛ/ ä
/e/ e
/eː/ ē
/i/ i
/iː/ ī
/ɯ/ ı
/o/ o
/oː/ ō
/œ/ ö
/u/ u
/uː/ ū
/y/ ü