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Wiktionary:Foreign Word of the Day/2020/June 13

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Foreign word of the day  in Arabic
أَشْهَل (ʾašhal) adjective
  1. (obsolete; said of eyes; also used in reference to mountains and wolves with the meaning "dust-coloured inclining to whiteness") The meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include:
    1. glaucous or subglaucous;
    2. having "a mixture of colours" (usually blue or red with black), variegated (likely from a confusion with أَشْكَل (ʔaškal) although Abu Mansur al-Azhari considered them to be synonyms):
      1. reddy-brown, dark-brown;
      2. bluish-black, deep blue;
    3. of "lighter shades of brown" or amber, tawny, or fawn (likely from a confusion with أَشْعَل (ʔašʕal)).
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