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  1. ossifragant 0
  2. ostomachy 0
  3. parachronize 0
  4. pastoritious 0
  5. pecuarious 0
  6. periclitancy 0
  7. perreptation 0
  8. phaenogamian 0
  9. posterganeous 0
  10. postliminiage 0
  11. pransorious 0
  12. pultifical 0
  13. quadringenarious 0
  14. quingenarious 0
  15. pabulatory 1
  16. palladiumize 1
  17. perfretation 1
  18. pinguedinize 1
  19. planiloquent 1
  20. pollinarious 1
  21. pollinced 1
  22. populiferous 1
  23. portentifical 1
  24. projectitious 1
  25. quadrigarious 1
  26. paratragediate 2
  27. parciloquy 2
  28. pavefaction 2
  29. pentaglottical 2
  30. perspiculative 2
  31. perterrify 2
  32. phylacist 2
  33. plorabund 2
  34. pollincture 2
  35. preacuate 2
  36. primipotent 2
  37. proadjutor 2
  38. pulmentarious 2
  39. patulicate 3
  40. percoarcted 3
  41. perduellism 3
  42. planiloquy 3
  43. pollucible 3
  44. ponderity 3
  45. postriduan 3
  46. prandicle 3
  47. preconious 3
  48. proculcation 3
  49. redulcerate 3
  50. rescissorian 3
  51. sextantary 3
  52. villicated 3
  53. ostentiferous 4
  54. papulosity 4
  55. pastilicate 4
  56. pentagamist 4
  57. peraffable 4
  58. perfabricate 4
  59. perhiemate 4
  60. perniciable 4
  61. pocillation 4
  62. supparasitate 4
  63. theomeny 4
  64. paracmastical 5
  65. pergraphical 5
  66. perlibration 5
  67. perligate 5
  68. pertexed 5
  69. postposure 5
  70. prefulgurate 5
  71. prolatation 5
  72. puellarity 5
  73. pulicosity 5
  74. redabsolve 5
  75. temeritude 5
  76. tudiculate 5
  77. perperitude 6
  78. perstinate 6
  79. pigrity 6
  80. pudify 6
  81. oppicate 7
  82. parisyllabical 7
  83. pentahedrical 7
  84. pergracil 7
  85. perindulgent 7
  86. perlibrate 7
  87. presegme 7
  88. quinquiplicate 7
  89. repignorate 7
  90. succollate 7
  91. perterebrate 8
  92. pertolerate 8
  93. pervagation 8
  94. preclamate 8
  95. prenuncious 8
  96. redoundancy 8
  97. repumicate 8
  98. sorbillate 8
  99. paleated 9
  100. peragitate 9
  101. pinguity 9
  102. pomarious 9
  103. prefacile 9
  104. prefestinate 9
  105. pulmonarious 9
  106. recargaison 9
  107. redambulate 9
  108. suffriate 9
  109. paganals 10
  110. pernegation 10
  111. prebition 10
  112. preclarent 10
  113. proscission 10
  114. secubate 10
  115. soleated 10
  116. tardiloquent 10
  117. unoperculate 10
  118. vinipote 10
  119. perfriction 11
  120. perpacate 11
  121. perrogate 11
  122. petauristic 11
  123. pinnigerous 11
  124. polypiparous 11
  125. refibulate 11
  126. suffricate 11
  127. viscated 11
  128. penarious 12
  129. poristical 12
  130. sorditude 12
  131. souse-crown 12
  132. orniscopist 13
  133. perstimulate 13
  134. pignoratitious 13
  135. sting-hum 13
  136. pangony 14
  137. patibulated 14
  138. plebicolist 14
  139. succernate 14
  140. transfume 14
  141. transnominate 14
  142. pygist 15
  143. sickrel 15
  144. pandurist 16
  145. opertaneous 17
  146. paedicate 17
  147. pandation 17
  148. polymorphean 17
  149. venabule 17
  150. pascuous 18
  151. pernegate 18
  152. plagiarian 18
  153. polyphagian 18
  154. precantation 18
  155. prejuration 18
  156. pantometrical 19
  157. peltiferous 19
  158. perpensation 19
  159. porculation 19
  160. romboyle 19
  161. shabaroon 20
  162. perendinate 21
  163. phalerated 21
  164. proreption 21
  165. perplexable 22
  166. potionate 22
  167. pregravation 22
  168. pseudonymal 22
  169. pugilation 22
  170. opsonation 23
  171. ostriferous 23
  172. pavefy 23
  173. repastinate 23
  174. selenographist 23
  175. undosous 23
  176. pulicous 24
  177. receptitious 24
  178. paciferous 25
  179. percruciate 25
  180. perjurate 25
  181. pervigilation 25
  182. plurifarious 25
  183. recalcate 25
  184. salsure 25
  185. prodited 26
  186. rubedinous 26
  187. sericated 26
  188. subrision 26
  189. voluptable 27
  190. Phaleucic 28
  191. pecorous 28
  192. putatory 28
  193. transult 28
  194. Paganalian 29
  195. peplography 29
  196. quadragenarious 29
  197. sejugate 29
  198. polyloquent 30
  199. proletaneous 30
  200. sermocinate 30