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et See kasutaja valdab eesti keelt emakeelena.
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I contribute mainly for Estonian.

Joined on December 12. 2015. At least one edit a month until April 2020. I am now semi-active. First article was teietama.

Conlanger. Web developer (PHP, JS, Drupal, Symfony). I can do Lua on Wiktionary if needed but I'm at a very basic level in that language.

To do:

  1. /User:Jeraphine_Gryphon - handy adposition list
  2. Category: Estonian entries needing etymology - handy list of entries needing etymologies, but it has loads of loanwords for which an etymology is impossible to determine or pointless to mention (extremely common loanwords, e.g "akvaarium")
  3. Wiktionary:Requested_entries_(Estonian)
  4. Requests for inflections in Estonian entries

My resources:

ETY (Eesti Etümoloogiasõnaraamat) - Estonian Etymological Dictionary - for etymologies and cognates. Misleading for non-Finnic cognates, often ignoring that these terms may be extremely rare, outdated, or archaic. Does not list Karelian proper cognates for most entries. Sometimes also lists Võro words, marking them as "lõunaeesti" (Southern Estonian). The origin of the so-called "Finnish dialectal" terms is unknown and I'm unsure of their validity.

ÕS (Eesti õigekeelsussõnaraamat) - Estonian Orthographic Dictionary - for declension types.

EKSS (Eesti keele seletav sõnaraamat) - Estonian Explanatory Dictionary - nicely lays out all senses and meanings for a word so I don't have to get it all from my head, which can cause errors.

VOT (VAD́D́AA TŠEELEE SÕNA-TŠIRJA / VADJA KEELE SÕNARAAMAT / СЛОВАРЬ ВОДСКОГО ЯЗЫКА) - Dictionary of the Votic Language - for all things Votic. I used to just use the PDF found here.

Võro-eesti-võro sõnaraamat - Võro-Estonian-Võro Dictionary - for all things Võro.

HJP (Hrvatski jezični portal) - Croatian Language Portal - for all things Serbo-Croatian.

When I mark senses as "uncommon" it means that I have either never heard it or never used it, and that Estonian dictionaries do not mark it as being rare or any different from a normal word.


  • kunas - I have heard this being used, but have never used it myself

"Rare" senses indicate that the term is either marked as such in a dictionary, or is barely attested.


  • vesimelon - barely attested. No Estonian dictionary mentions this word and a quick google search yields a measly 1-2 results. I have never heard it.
  • Balti meri - marked as such in dictionaries. I have never heard it.

I use "onomatopoetic" as an English translation for the Estonian phrase "häälikuliselt ajendatud", often seen in the Estonian Etymological Dictionary. A direct translation would be something like "phonetically induced". True onomatopoeia is only a subset of these sorts of roots. Words in this category often include words that denote some specific sound, like kobisema. Another example, hele to me does sound like true onomatopoeia, the word itself sounds like something shiny or glittery.

I use the label "colloquial" for Spoken Estonian. For the labels "slang" and "informal", I am less sure. Please point out any mistakes!