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continued from User:Pengo/2gram-chordata


  1. Oncorhynchus tshawytscha - blackmouth
  2. Microtus agrestis - field vole
  3. Phalacrocorax carbo - great cormorant
  4. Ardea cinerea - grey heron
  5. Cathartes aura - turkey vulture
  6. Didelphis virginiana - virginia opossum
  7. Falco sparverius - American kestrel
  8. Circus cyaneus - northern harrier
  9. Mustela erminea - ermine
  10. Anas crecca - green-winged teal
  11. Gallinula chloropus - common moorhen
  12. Anser anser - greylag goose
  13. Alligator mississippiensis - American alligator
  14. Balaenoptera musculus - blue whale
  15. Electrophorus electricus - electric eel
  16. Ambystoma tigrinum - tiger salamander
  17. Megaptera novaeangliae - humpback whale
  18. Molothrus ater - brown-headed cowbird
  19. Equus asinus - burro
  20. Lagopus lagopus - willow ptarmigan


  1. Nycticorax nycticorax - black-crowned night-heron
  2. Zonotrichia leucophrys - white-crowned sparrow
  3. Enhydra lutris - sea otter
  4. Scomber scombrus - Atlantic mackerel
  5. Crocuta crocuta - spotted hyena
  6. Bubulcus ibis - western cattle egret
  7. Falco tinnunculus - Eurasian kestrel
  8. Meles meles - European badger
  9. Accipiter gentilis - northern goshawk
  10. Struthio camelus - ostrich
  11. Salvelinus alpinus - Arctic char
  12. Troglodytes troglodytes - winter wren
  13. Apodemus sylvaticus - wood mouse
  14. Clethrionomys glareolus - bank vole
  15. Riparia riparia - sand martin
  16. Anguilla rostrata - American eel
  17. Erithacus rubecula - European robin
  18. Erinaceus europaeus - European hedgehog
  19. Bonasa umbellus - ruffed grouse
  20. Balaenoptera physalus - finback whale


  1. Acinonyx jubatus - cheetah
  2. Buteo jamaicensis - red-tailed hawk
  3. Canis aureus - golden jackal
  4. Dasypus novemcinctus - long-nosed armadillo
  5. Colaptes auratus - northern flicker
  6. Cyanocitta cristata - blue jay
  7. Melopsittacus undulatus - budgerigar
  8. Aix sponsa - wood duck
  9. Callithrix jacchus - white-tufted-ear marmoset
  10. Mergus merganser - common merganser
  11. Delphinus delphis - short-beaked saddle-backed dolphin
  12. Hippopotamus amphibius - hippopotamus
  13. Lutra lutra - European otter
  14. Didelphis marsupialis - common opossum
  15. Oncorhynchus keta - calico salmon
  16. Rissa tridactyla - black-legged kittiwake
  17. Somateria mollissima - common eider
  18. Perdix perdix - grey partridge
  19. Lynx rufus - bobcat
  20. Fulica atra - Eurasian coot


  1. Thamnophis sirtalis - common garter snake, Gewöhnliche Strumpfbandnatter
  2. Ursus maritimus - polar bear
  3. Cebus apella - brown capuchin
  4. Ciona intestinalis
  5. Ondatra zibethicus - muskbeaver
  6. Lycaon pictus - African hunting dog
  7. Corvus brachyrhynchos - american crow
  8. Marmota monax - woodchuck
  9. Gavia immer - great northern loon
  10. Cygnus olor - mute swan
  11. Morone saxatilis - linesider
  12. Abramis brama - aral bream
  13. Haematopus ostralegus - eurasian oystercatcher
  14. Sigmodon hispidus - hispid cotton rat
  15. Triturus cristatus - northern crested newt
  16. Uria aalge - common murre
  17. Lota lota - American burbot
  18. Arenaria interpres - ruddy turnstone
  19. Myotis lucifugus - little brown bat
  20. Delphinapterus leucas - white whale


  1. Alauda arvensis - sky lark
  2. Iguana iguana - green iguana or common iguana or common green iguana
  3. Cuculus canorus - common cuckoo
  4. Fulica americana - American coot
  5. Necturus maculosus - mudpuppy
  6. Hylobates lar - white-handed gibbon
  7. Accipiter nisus - Eurasian sparrowhawk
  8. Meriones unguiculatus - mongolian jird
  9. Ciconia ciconia - white stork
  10. Bucephala clangula - common goldeneye
  11. Grus canadensis - sandhill crane
  12. Cavia porcellus - guinea pig
  13. Anser albifrons - greater white-fronted goose
  14. Trichosurus vulpecula - common brushtail
  15. Lepomis gibbosus - common sunfish
  16. Halichoerus grypus - horsehead
  17. Vanellus vanellus - northern lapwing
  18. Balaena mysticetus - black right whale
  19. Falco columbarius - merlin
  20. Corvus corone - carrion crow