- Homo sapiens
- Xenopus laevis - African clawed frog
- Mus musculus - house mouse
- Macaca mulatta - rhesus monkey
- Rattus norvegicus - Norway rat
- Canis lupus - gray wolf
- Cyprinus carpio - carp
- Sus scrofa - pig (feral)
- Pan troglodytes - chimpanzee
- Salmo salar - Atlantic salmon
- Cervus elaphus - elk
- Anas platyrhynchos - mallard
- Rattus rattus - black rat
- Passer domesticus - house sparrow, English sparrow, Indian sparrow, Indian house sparrow, sparr, sparrer, spadger, spadgick, philip, spug, spuggy, spur, sprig, spatzie, spotsie (common names from w:House sparrow#Names)
- Bos taurus - domesticated cattle
- Carassius auratus - goldfish
- Columba livia - rock pigeon
- Sturnus vulgaris - European starling, common starling
- Odocoileus virginianus - white-tailed deer
- Vulpes vulpes - red fox
- Ursus arctos - brown bear
- Macaca fascicularis - long-tailed macaque
- Oryctolagus cuniculus - European rabbit, common rabbit
- Rana temporaria - European frog, common frog, European grass frog, European common brown frog
- Equus caballus - horse
- Gasterosteus aculeatus
- Falco peregrinus - peregrine falcon
- Canis latrans - coyote
- Rangifer tarandus - reindeer
- Salvelinus fontinalis - American brook char, American brook charr, brook trout
- Gallus gallus - red junglefowl
- Procyon lotor - northern raccoon
- Larus argentatus - herring gull
- Peromyscus maniculatus - deer mouse
- Gorilla gorilla - gorilla
- Bison bison - bison
- Castor canadensis - American beaver
- Branta canadensis - Canada goose
- Parus major - great tit
- Ovis aries - sheep (feral)
- Tyto alba - barn owl
- Ursus americanus - American black bear
- Hirundo rustica - barn swallow
- Saimiri sciureus - South American squirrel monkey, common squirrel monkey
- Corvus corax - northern raven
- Tursiops truncatus - bottlenose dolphin
- Pandion haliaetus - western osprey
- Alces alces - moose
- Phoca vitulina - harbor seal
- Lepomis macrochirus - bluegill
- Oncorhynchus nerka - blueback
- Micropterus salmoides - American black bass, largemouth bass, brown bass, widemouth bass, bigmouth bass, black bass, bucketmouth, Potter's fish, Florida bass, Florida largemouth, green bass, green trout, gilsdorf bass, linesides, Oswego bass, southern largemouth
- Mesocricetus auratus - golden hamster
- Loxodonta africana - African savannah elephant
- Oncorhynchus mykiss - baiser
- Meleagris gallopavo - wild turkey
- Odocoileus hemionus - mule deer
- Fundulus heteroclitus - mummichog
- Oncorhynchus kisutch - coho
- Panthera leo - lion
- Phasianus colchicus - ring-necked pheasant, common pheasant
- Panthera pardus - leopard
- Capra hircus - goat (feral)
- Felis catus - domestic cat
- Pongo pygmaeus - orangutan
- Coturnix coturnix - common quail
- Panthera tigris - tiger
- Pan paniscus - pygmy chimpanzee
- Ictalurus punctatus - channel catfish, channel cat
- Aquila chrysaetos - golden eagle
- Pleuronectes platessa - European plaice
- Turdus migratorius - American robin
- Macaca nemestrina - pigtail macaque
- Bufo bufo - European toad
- Agelaius phoeniceus - red-winged blackbird
- Anas acuta - northern pintail
- Peromyscus leucopus - white-footed mouse
- Poecilia reticulata - Barbados millions
- Ovis canadensis - bighorn sheep
- Petromyzon marinus - eel sucker
- Macaca fuscata - Japanese macaque
- Orcinus orca - orca
- Capreolus capreolus - western roe deer
- Pica pica - Eurasian magpie
- Antilocapra americana - pronghorn
- Haliaeetus leucocephalus - bald eagle
- Sciurus carolinensis - eastern gray squirrel
- Perca flavescens - American perch
- Colinus virginianus - northern bobwhite
- Sterna hirundo - common tern
- Turdus merula - common blackbird
- Elephas maximus - Asian elephant
- Fringilla coelebs - common chaffinch
- Bubo virginianus - great horned owl
- Ardea herodias - great blue heron
- Melospiza melodia - song sparrow
- Lepus americanus - snowshoe hare
- Mephitis mephitis - striped skunk
- Pimephales promelas - black-head minnow or rosy-red minnow
- Microtus pennsylvanicus - meadow vole
[edit]- the (usually) English common names listed are from a database, and are not necessarily the most commonly accepted names or capitalizations
- more notes at: User:Pengo/2gram-species
- same list on Wikipedia