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Word of the day
for November 27
snifter n
  1. (chiefly Northern England, Scotland) A sniff.
  2. (figurative)
    1. (chiefly Northern England, Scotland) A strong or severe wind.
    2. (originally and chiefly US) A small, wide, pear-shaped glass used for drinking aromatic liquors such as bourbon and brandy.
    3. (originally US, informal) Synonym of nip (“a small amount of an alcoholic beverage, especially one equivalent to what a snifter (sense 2.2) might hold”)
    4. (US, slang) Synonym of cocaine addict; a sniffer.
    5. (US, slang) A small amount of cocaine taken by inhaling through the nose.
    6. (US, slang) A handheld device used to detect signals from radio transmitters; a sniffer.

snifter v

  1. (intransitive) To sniff; also, to snivel or snuffle.
  2. (transitive, archaic, rare) Followed by out: to speak (words) in a nasal, snuffling manner.
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