state of national emergency state of nature state of origin state of siege state of sieges state of soviets state of the art state of the same name state of the system state of the union state of trance state of tune state of war state official state officials state opening state opening of parliament state openings state or national forests state or territorial bar state or territorial legislatures state or union territory state ordered state owned state owned businesses state owned enterprise state owned enterprises state owned industry state ownership state ownership and mismanagement of natural resources state pageant state pantheon state papers state park state park facility state parks state parliament state parliaments state partial-birth abortion bans state party chairman state party convention state patrols state peasants state penitentiary state penitentiary systems state pension state pension funds state pensions state planning state playoffs state police state police chief state police force state police forces state politics state postulate state power state premier state premiers state preserve state primary state primary school state primary schools state prison state prisoners state prisons state propaganda state prosecutor state quantity state quarter state quarters state racism state radio state railroad system state railway state ran state reason state recognition state recordholder state recreation area state recreation areas state reform state reforms state registered nurse state registered nurses state registration state registries state regulated state regulation state regulation of wages and prices state regulator problem state regulatory agency state related state religion state religions state representative state representatives state repression state reserve state resort park state retirement pensions state revenues and economic growth state road state road transport corportations state roads state rooms state route state route 10 state route 5 state routes state routes 9A state run state run farm state run high school state sales tax state savings bonds state school state school curriculum state school enrolment scheme state schools state seal state secondary school state secondary schools state secret state secret police state secretaries state secretary state secretary for foreign affairs state secrets state secrets privilege state sector state secularism state security state senate state senator state senator-elect state senators state service flag state services state socialism state socialist state socialists state societies state society state soil state sovereignty state space state space state space complexity state space density state space enumeration state space model state space search state sponsor of terror state sponsor of terrorism state sponsored racism state sponsored terrorism state sponsors of terrorism state standardized tests state statute state statutes state studies state subsidies state subsidy state succession state superintendent state superintendent of public instruction state supreme court state supreme courts state symbols state system state table state tables state tax state tax court state taxes state team state television state terror state terrorism state terrorist state tests state title state torture state tournament state track and field state transition state transition diagram state transition function state transition graph state transition model state transition system state transition systems state transition table state transition tables state transitions state transport state transportation agencies state transportation departments state treasurer state treasury state tree state trees state trooper state trooper bodyguards state troopers state troops state trunkline state trust state union state universities state university state university system state university systems state variables state vector state vectors state verb state violence state visit state visits state was dissoluted state was separated from church state welfare state wide extension service state wine state witness state-citizen relationships state-controlled company state-controlled gambling state-controlled press state-corporate crime state-dependent memory state-directed economy state-level bureau of investigation state-level sales taxes state-level society state-maintained highway state-mandated trails state-numbered route state-numbered routes state-of-the-art stadium state-operated institution state-organized crime state-owned companies state-owned company state-owned corporation state-owned enterprise state-owned enterprises state-owned factories state-owned investment group state-owned railroad and telephone systems state-owned sector state-owned utilities state-primacy theory state-run firms state-run liquor stores state-run lottery state-run schismatic church state-run university state-selective coupled cluster state-space complexity state-space model state-space representation state-sponsored acts of terrorism state-sponsored bodies state-sponsored body state-sponsored company state-sponsored espionage state-sponsored genocide state-sponsored terrorism state-sum model state-sum models state-supported law school state-supported university state-universal coupled cluster state-wide high-speed rail network state-wide redistricting state-wide strike of twelve thousand coal miners statechart diagram stated formally stated goal stated goals stated income loans stated mission stated policy stated powers stated preference stated-income loans stateful firewall stateful firewalls stateful inspection stateful tracking statehood quarter statehood quarters statehouse bell stateless address autoconfiguration stateless alien stateless communism stateless firewall stateless firewalls stateless man stateless nation stateless nations stateless people stateless person stateless persons stateless refugees stateless server stateless servers stateless session bean stateless societies stateless society stately home stately home of the same name stately homes statement against penal interest statement block statement blocks statement form statement of belief statement of cash flows statement of claim statement of corporate purpose statement of faith statement of purpose statement of retained earnings statement of the theorem statement of work statement on parsimony statement separator statements and sentences statements of case statements of completion statements of faith stateowned enterprises states and divisions states and one federal district states and territories states and the union territories states and union territories states are allocated seats states determine states general states historic ties states in union states military polices states militia states of affairs states of altered consciousness states of being states of consciousness states of emergency states of matter states of mind states of siege states of the church states parties states rights states rights exchange states-rights distribution states-rights doctrines statesmen and women statewide ballot measures statewide community college system statewide convention statewide elections statewide judicial elections statewide league statewide mudslides statewide recount statewide special election statewide standards static air temperature static aircraft display static analysis static and dynamic logic static and dynamic modes static apnea static aspect static balancing static black hole static bounds checker static build static buildup static cant static caravan static caravans static cast static characters static charge static charges static circuitry static cling static co-efficient of friction static code analysis static coordinates static correlation static cosmological solutions static data static data sections static data structure static defense static discharger static dischargers static disequilibrium static disturbances static electric static electric sparks static electrical static electricity static eliminator static encephalopathy static equilibrium static evaluation function static fluids static foods static friction static gravitational field static head static holds static image ad static imaging studies static instability static interference static inverter static inverter plant static inverter plants static inverter station static inverters static key static keyword static leakage static libraries static library static light scattering static line static line progression static line skydive static linking static margin static memory allocation static memory offset static mesh static method static methods static mixers static mixing static model static or dynamic scoping static password static passwords static port static ports static power static pressure static program analysis static random access memory static reasons static recrystallisation static recrystallization static respiration index static rocket engine tests static rope static routes static routing static scoping static scoring static shift register static single assignment static single assignment form static spacetime static spherically symmetric perfect fluid static spherically symmetric perfect fluids static stability static start engine static stretching static temperature static testing static timing static timing analysis static trapeze static type systems static typed static typing static universe static var compensator static variable static variables static versus dynamic typing static warp bubble static web page static web pages static γ nerons static-active stretching strength static-electricity damage static-passive stretching statical determinacy statical moment of area statically and dynamically typed statically charged statically checked contracts statically checking statically determinate statically indeterminate statically linked statically linked library statically linking statically typed statically typed language stating incorrect facts stating that he had stomach problems statio annonae station agent station agents station and a tunnel station and office building station area station arm station building station car station chef station chief station code station commander station crew station days station facilities station fuel ship station group station groups station hall station hand station house station houses station identification station identifications station identities station idents station in town station it already owned station keep station keeping station license station manager station master station nearby station of its namesake station of the cross station of the same name station officer station pilot station pilots station platform station platforms station point station sergeant station ship station stop station sync station tanker station vessel station wagon station wagons station with this stationary "hit or miss" engine stationary applications stationary armaments stationary bars held at different prescribed angles stationary bicycle stationary bicycles stationary bicycling stationary bike stationary bikes stationary black holes stationary camera stationary dial face stationary engine stationary engineer stationary engineers stationary engines stationary ergodic process stationary ergodic processes stationary front stationary fronts stationary growth phase stationary industrial sources stationary limit surfaces stationary machines stationary metric stationary petrol and diesel engines stationary phase stationary phase approximation stationary point stationary point sources stationary points stationary position stationary process stationary processes stationary relativistic multipole moments stationary series stationary set stationary sets stationary signals stationary source stationary sources stationary space-time stationary spacetime stationary state stationary states stationary states equation stationary steam engine stationary steam engines stationary stochastic process stationary subset stationary subsets stationary system stationary universe stationary variable stationary waves stationary winding engines stationery cabinets stationes annonae stations list stations of the cross stations of the restaurant's kitchen stations pay for programming stations wagons statisical physics statist ideology statist society statistic values statistic was redefined statistical adjustment statistical analyses statistical analysis statistical analysts statistical and secular parallax statistical arbitrage statistical artifact statistical assembly statistical associations statistical attributes statistical average statistical averages statistical character development statistical characteristics statistical classification statistical close statistical computing statistical concepts and calculation of thermodynamic quantities statistical conclusion validity statistical confounding effect statistical contention statistical control statistical controls statistical correlation statistical criteria statistical data statistical data analyses statistical data analysis statistical decision theory statistical dependence statistical designs statistical differential manifold statistical discrimination statistical dispersion statistical distance statistical distribution statistical distribution analysis statistical distributions statistical division statistical divisions statistical ecology statistical ensemble statistical ensembles statistical entailment analysis statistical entropy statistical error statistical errors statistical estimates statistical estimation statistical estimator statistical evidence statistical explanation statistical expression statistical failure statistical fallacy statistical field theories statistical field theory statistical finance statistical fit statistical generalization statistical genetics statistical geography statistical guru statistical hypothesis statistical hypothesis test statistical hypothesis testing statistical hypothesis tests statistical independence statistical inference statistical inferences statistical information statistical interpolation statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics statistical interval statistical law statistical leaders statistical learning statistical least squares flatness statistical linear model statistical literacy statistical local area statistical local areas statistical machine translation statistical mathematics statistical measure statistical measures statistical mechanical statistical mechanics statistical method statistical method of classifying evolutionary systems statistical methodology statistical methods statistical metropolitan area statistical microregion statistical middle statistical middle class statistical mixture statistical model statistical model selection statistical modeling statistical modelling statistical modelling techniques statistical models statistical models for machine translation statistical multiplexer statistical multiplexing statistical music statistical noise statistical optics statistical package, visualization, multivariate analysis, genomics, biomarkers statistical parameter statistical parametric map statistical parametric mapping statistical pattern learning statistical phenomena statistical physics statistical population statistical populations statistical potential statistical potentials statistical power statistical practice statistical principles statistical probabilities statistical probability statistical process control statistical process control software statistical processing statistical properties statistical properties of symmetric groups statistical quality control statistical randomness statistical ratings statistical reasoning statistical records statistical regions statistical regression statistical regularity statistical relevance statistical reliability statistical resampling statistical research statistical results statistical sample statistical samples statistical sampling statistical sampling surveys statistical school statistical science statistical sciences statistical shape analysis statistical signal processing statistical significance statistical significance test statistical studies statistical subdivision statistical subdivisions statistical support statistical survey statistical surveying statistical surveys statistical syllogism statistical syllogisms statistical system statistical technique statistical techniques statistical test statistical testing statistical tests statistical text classification statistical theories statistical theory statistical thermodynamics statistical thinking statistical unit statistical units statistical validity statistical variability statistical variable statistical variables statistical variance statistical variation statistical verification statistical views of entropy statistical weight statistical weights statistical-mechanical theory statistically associated statistically based analysis statistically consistent statistically highly significant statistically improbable phrases statistically independent statistically insignificant statistically multiplex statistically multiplexed statistically multiplexing statistically random statistically signficant statistically significant statistically significantly statistically unlikely statistically valid statistics and records related article statistics and social science statistics education statistics of natural scenes statistics of random permutations statistics section above statistics sheets statistics surveyor statistics textbooks stative verb stative verbs stator clutch stator windings statu nascendi statuary types statuatory laws statue menhirs statue of a mounted rider statue of liberty statue of liberty play statue vision statues of limitations statues of the gods status absolutus status ailment status ailments status anxiety status aparte status as a major petroleum producer status as a religion status bar status bars status class status code status condition status conditions status constructus status effect status effects status emphaticus status flags status group status groups status inconsistency status line status message status message status migrainosus status of a borough status of forces status of forces agreement status of forces agreements status of non-Muslim citizens status of purity status of wales status of women status offence status offenders status offense status option status quo status quo ante status quo ante bellum status quo bias status recovery status referendum status register status screen status set status shifts status symbol status symbols status tones status traits status treaty status-of-forces agreements status-related problems i.e., statutory law statute barred statute book statute law statute law database statute laws statute mi statute mile statute miles statute miles per hour statute of autonomy statute of frauds statute of limitation statute of limitations statute of limitiations statute of provisors statute of repose statute of the staple statute of uses statutes of limitation statutes of limitations statutorily listed statutory accounting principles statutory agency statutory arguments statutory auditor statutory authorities statutory authority statutory base statutory board statutory boards statutory body statutory charge statutory cities statutory city statutory college statutory colleges statutory commission statutory committee statutory construction statutory corporation statutory court statutory damages statutory declaration statutory declarations statutory definition statutory definition of renewable energy statutory derogation statutory duty statutory enactment statutory exceptions statutory general election statutory grant statutory holiday statutory holidays statutory inquiry statutory instrument statutory instruments statutory interpretation statutory law statutory laws statutory legislation statutory license statutory licenses statutory licensing statutory lien statutory monopolies statutory monopoly statutory offense statutory pension insurance provisions statutory provisions statutory rape statutory rape by a woman statutory rapes statutory rapist statutory rate statutory right statutory sector statutory terms statutory time limit statutory town statutory towns statuty wiślicko-piotrkowskie staunch opponent stavanger gothic metal stave building stave church stave churches staveless runes staves of office stavesacre plant stay and play stay apparatus stay at home mom stay behind stay of execution stay of proceedings stay order stay proceedings stay the impending execution stay-at-home dad stay-at-home dads stay-at-home mom stay-at-home moms stay-at-home mother stay-at-home mothers stay-behind network stayed neutral stayed the execution stayed within budget staying in the country illegally stays dry stays out staðfesta samvist std code steadily intensifying civil strife steady cam steady cameras steady flow steady positive monetary growth steady state steady state steady state approximation steady state bifurcation steady state concentrations steady state cosmology steady state model steady state models steady state solution steady state theories steady state theory steady state universe steady state vector steady states steady-state approximation steady-state concentrations steady-state cosmology steady-state response steady-state shear strength steady-state theory steady-state universe steady-state value steak and kidney steak and kidney pie steak and kidney pies steak and kidney pudding steak au poivre steak fries steak house steak houses steak knife steak knives steak pie steak sandwich steak sauce steak sauces steak tartare steakhouse syndrome steal 30 bases and hit 30 home runs steal a base steal bases steal cars steal cattle steal her purse steal home steal human organs steal identity steal kills steal of home steal second base steal syndrome steal the identity steal the sign steal the vehicle stealing a base stealing a few cents stealing a horse stealing a loaf of bread stealing a motor vehicle stealing a vital warp coil stealing an identity stealing automobiles stealing bases stealing boyfriends stealing cars stealing credit cards stealing her car stealing high grade ore stealing his cattle stealing home stealing jokes stealing signs stealing the letter 'T' stealing the place-name sign steals a signpost steals a taste steals cars steals home stealth action stealth action game stealth aircraft stealth aircraft technology stealth blocking stealth boat stealth bomber stealth bombers stealth camouflage stealth device stealth disco stealth diver stealth features stealth fighter stealth game stealth games stealth language stealth liposomes stealth marketing stealth mode stealth plane stealth ship stealth ships stealth startup stealth style game stealth systems stealth tax stealth taxes stealth technology stealth technology. stealth virus stealth weaponry stealth-based game stealth-based gameplay stealth-based games stealth-based video game stealthier features stealthy affordable capsule system steam accumulator steam aircraft steam and magmatic gases steam assisted gravity drainage steam automotive steam bath steam baths steam beer steam bending steam blast steam boat steam boats steam boiler steam boilers steam brakes steam brig steam bus steam buses steam calliope steam car steam carriage steam carriages steam cars steam catapult steam catapults steam cleaners steam clipper steam clock steam coal steam coals steam coaster steam condenser steam cook steam corvette steam crackers steam cracking steam crane steam cycle steam cylinder steam derricks steam diesel hybrid locomotive steam digester steam dome steam donkey steam donkeys steam dredger steam driven steam drum steam dummies steam dummy steam ejector steam ejectors steam electric power generation steam energy steam engine steam engineering steam engines steam era steam eruption steam exploded fiber steam explosion steam explosions steam fair steam fairs steam ferry steam fog steam frigate steam generation steam generator steam generators steam gun steam hammer steam hammers steam hauled steam heat steam heating steam heating boilers steam heating system steam hoist steam injector steam injectors steam iron steam irons steam jacket steam jet cooling steam jet ejector steam jets steam launch steam launches steam laundry steam liner steam locomotion steam locomotive steam locomotive condensing apparatus steam locomotive nomenclature steam locomotive production steam locomotives steam lorry steam machine steam merchant steam motive power steam motor steam motor vehicles steam navigation steam operated steam organ steam packet steam packets steam paddle ships steam paddlers steam passenger ship steam pipe steam pipe exploded steam pipe explosion steam pipes steam piston steam piston pumps steam point steam power steam power plant steam power plants steam power stations steam powered steam powered boats steam powered engines steam powered machinery steam powered vehicles steam press steam pressure steam propulsion steam propulsion plant steam pump steam pumping steam pumping engine steam pumps steam punk steam radiator steam rail motor steam rail motors steam railcar steam railcars steam railmotor steam railmotors steam railroad steam railroad engineers steam railroads steam railway steam railways steam rallies steam ram steam recovery steam reforming steam reverse steam reverser steam roller steam rollers steam room steam rooms steam rupture steam schooner steam separator steam separators steam ship steam ship business steam shipping steam ships steam shovel steam shovels steam showers steam sloop steam system steam systems steam tables steam tank locomotive steam technologies steam technology steam traction steam traction engines steam tractor steam tractors steam train steam trains steam tram steam trams steam tramway steam tramways steam traps steam trawlers steam tricycle steam tricycles steam trolley steam tug steam tugs steam tunnel steam tunnel incident steam tunnel incidents steam tunnels steam turbine steam turbine condensers steam turbine engine steam turbine generators steam turbine locomotive steam turbine locomotives steam turbine railroad locomotives steam turbine-driven generators steam turbines steam turbo-generators steam valve steam vents steam vessel steam vessels steam wagon steam wheel steam whistle steam whistles steam-driven engine steam-driven power generation steam-driven railroad locomotives steam-driven vehicle steam-electric power generation steam-electric power plant steam-electric power plants steam-lift gun battery steam-only powered steam-power plants steam-powered automobile steam-powered cars steam-powered catapult steam-powered clock steam-powered device steam-powered locomotives steam-powered lorries steam-powered ships steam-powered sternwheeler steam-powered sternwheelers steam-powered trains steam-powered vessel steam-powered vessels steam-turbine locomotive steam-turbine locomotives steamboat disasters steamboat stew steamed beef meatballs steamed bun steamed buns steamed meat bun steamed meatball steamed rice roll steamer chair steamer duck steamer ducks steamer ports steamer service steamer ship steamer trunks steaming equipment steamship line steamship services stearic acid stearic acid chloride stearic acid hydrazide stearic acids stearidonic acid stearolic acid stearoyl fumarate stearoyl-CoA 9-desaturase stearyl alcohol stearyl tartarate stearyl tartrate steath fighter plane steatornis caripensis steatosis hepatis steed barbel steel 50-foot sculpture steel alloy steel alloys