User:Hippietrail/Life: A User's Manual
Life: A User’s Manual by Georges Perec
[edit]- AF (missing sense: opposed to metric)
- alabandite
- ammonite
- arras
- arum lily
- balancelle
- bentwood
- billhook
- blowlamp
- BSP (used in descriptions of tools such as spanners and sockets)
- burn-baited (something like slash and burn?)
- calvary (lowercase, can be plural, a kind of religious knickknack?)
- cart stall
- cassiterite
- cheesebox
- chock-full
- coach lamp
- convexity
- cornelian (older spelling of carnelian)
- cretonne
- Dasogale fontoynante
- Devil’s Rings
- doorframe
- Dorothy bag
- easy chair
- endpaper
- fibula
- firebrass
- fitment
- free zone
- gimlet
- gingernut
- grease gun
- gugglet
- handlamp
- headship
- heteroclite
- hit parade (seems old fashioned now)
- hygrographic
- jointer
- kingwood
- kneehole desk
- lancet
- lounge suit
- madder
- maleficent
- Monachus tropicalus
- mortise
- nest egg
- novelette
- octobass a string instrument related to the double bass requiring two musicians to play
- oilcan (single word variant)
- opaline
- ormolu
- parallelepipedal
- pastille
- perspicacious
- Pinchart stool
- a pink (not the colour, perhaps a flower?)
- polka-dot (hyphenated variant)
- procurator
- propitiatory
- Ptyx
- rabbet
- shako
- shopfloor
- sprat
- sunstone
- suzerain
- swearword (single word variant)
- tendrac
- tenon saw
- tergal
- trionix
- Troides allotte
- twibill
- unicum (plural unica)
- verbena
- wallpress
- warehousemen
- wing chair
- witches’ mirrors
- vulcanite
- zorille
- zucchetto (needs English)
- æolian harp
- agnate
- ahistorical
- angelica
- angosfura
- anthurium
- aphetism
- arthrosis
- assay-dish
- babouche
- baize
- bearskin
- bedjacket
- bicorne
- bird pepper
- bisque
- blackout lamp
- boletus
- bootees
- bootlace
- bosky
- breitschwanz
- bricked up
- brucellosis
- burnous
- cake-slice
- calvados
- carriage clock
- case clock
- cephalalgias
- cess-pit
- châteaux
- charlady
- chervil
- chiffomier
- chintz
- clematis
- cloche
- Coco weddelliana
- comfit boy
- copper (horse-drawn vehicle?)
- corolla
- costermonger
- curare
- debag
- debouch
- descaling
- dishstand
- Djakarta
- djellaba
- dolman
- domino costume
- dram
- dubbin
- dura mater
- dustbin
- dustcover
- dyne
- elucubrating
- emerised
- emery
- encephalum
- épaulette
- erg
- esparto
- eyebath
- ferrocerium
- fibrotoxin
- firedog
- flatlet
- floorcloth
- floortile
- fluidic
- flyleaf
- foodpack
- footstool
- forename
- fortalice
- fretwork
- frogging
- galalith
- galena
- gewgaw
- gingham
- glory-hole
- go to ground
- gunflint
- gunwale
- haitué
- harissa
- harkis
- haversack
- hide-out
- Hitlerian
- hole up
- hour-book
- hydantergotine
- ill at ease
- incrusted
- innervated
- Jack-o’-the-clock
- job lot
- kirsch
- koulibiaca
- librettist
- liguite
- loss leader
- lubricious
- lumpfish
- manageress
- mandola
- marguerite
- marquetry
- martingale
- mashie
- maxiton
- medina
- medius finger
- mignonette
- moleskin
- monkish
- moonflower
- Moses basket
- naevus
- nelumbia
- night bird
- œsophagus
- open-work
- orreries
- osier
- palæopedology
- paperknife
- parfit
- pegamoid
- peripeteia
- piecework
- Pigeon lamp
- porterage
- prayermat
- propelling pencil
- proteolytic
- pseudohallucinatory
- purplewood
- quattrocentro
- quenelles
- quetsch
- rachidian bulb
- Ragusa -- former name of Dubrovnik
- rebab
- restaurateur
- retsina
- Rexist
- rigmarole
- rivière (needs English)
- sabretache
- salsify
- saponified
- saucerful
- schmecker
- schoolma’am
- schussing
- scialytic lamp
- scot-free
- scrapmerchant
- scree
- scrimshanker
- sestet
- settle down
- seyalitic
- siphonapteroid
- soliflor
- spinet
- staddle
- stalag
- stopcock
- strongroom
- take a shine to
- tam o’shanter
- theorbo
- thermophonic
- through-stone
- toothmug
- toothpuller
- topazine
- toyshop
- trapezial
- trichinosis
- tromp-l’oeil
- turbot
- turnip watch
- untellable
- usufruct
- vitrified
- war machine
- whitewood
- wishy-washy
- woggle
- worktop
- zenana
- aegipanes
- agripanes
- aide-de-camp
- alosa
- alpenstock
- amaurosis
- appanage
- ashlar
- autarchic
- bandoneon
- besmocked
- bezant
- boozer
- borshch
- bourdon
- boxword
- brilliants
- canaliculi
- catalyses
- chador
- chalybeate
- cheval glass
- chit
- cloissonné
- commissionaire
- communiqué
- coney
- cordiform
- curundum
- cyclostyled
- dirk
- disjunctor
- draisienne
- entrains
- espalier
- ex-libris
- faro
- fly-box
- flyleaves
- foot-slog
- foxed
- galliot
- glomerulus
- goatskin
- goniometer
- gorse
- groschen
- gules
- hawkweed
- hearth-point
- hellbent
- hemihedral
- herbarium
- hereinafter
- hide-out
- hogshead
- holohedral
- horsecloth
- houselights
- huckster
- שרי
- intagliated
- ithyphallic
- jardinière
- landslip
- lares
- liriodendron
- locum
- logogriph
- malosol
- Mameluke
- manometer
- manufactory
- mezuzah
- middy
- muzhik
- olivewood
- outfaced
- ovoid
- oystermen
- patten
- pelmet
- period piece
- phylactery
- planisphere
- podgy
- retimitis
- romper
- roup sale
- run-of-the-mill
- saveloy
- sealskin
- shagreen
- shantung
- sine die
- sound box
- sporran
- spurge
- streetseller
- suedette
- supranational
- Swissess
- sylvans
- tarry-torch
- through-stone
- torero
- trencher
- tricorn
- tub chair
- ultraselect
- uropoïesis
- uroscopy
- vibraphone
- vicar apostolic
- visiting card
- wadi
- washhouse
- watercolourist
- wolfram
- yachtswoman
- yardstick
- zakuski