User:HippieBot/Entries in Encarta online not in Wiktionary/40
- school figure
- school inspector
- school milk
- schooner rig
- scientific revolution
- scindapsus
- scissors hold
- scissors-lift truck
- scler-
- scorpion fish
- scorpion fly
- scrap value
- scratch file
- scratch line
- scratch test
- scratch ticket
- scratch-and-sniff
- scratchbook
- scrawled filefish
- scree running
- screen company
- screen font
- screen memory
- screen rage
- screen shot
- screen-print
- screened shot
- screw bean
- screw jack
- screw propeller
- screw tap
- screwgate carabiner
- screwworm fly
- scribbly gum
- scrub fowl
- scrub pine
- scrub round
- scrum cap
- scrunch up
- scrunch-dry
- sculp.
- scunder
- se tenant
- sea crayfish
- sea fire
- sea lace
- sea milkwort
- sea poacher
- sea squill
- sea steps
- sea whip
- sea wrack
- sea-cliff climbing
- sea-island cotton
- seakale beet
- sealed orders
- sealed-beam headlight
- sealer jar
- seam bowler
- seamoss
- search costs
- search directory
- search dog
- searoom
- seaside sparrow
- season opener
- seasoned issue
- seasoning meat
- seatrain
- second ballot
- second chamber
- second crop
- second cut
- second cutting
- second generation
- second growth
- second mate
- second mortgage
- second phase
- second price auction
- second-strike
- second-to-die insurance
- secondary battery
- secondary cell
- secondary electron
- secondary offering
- secondary picketing
- secondary receiver
- secondary sexual characteristic
- secondary syphilis
- secret partner
- secret warranty program
- secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor
- section gang
- section hand
- section mark
- sector fund
- secular humanism
- secure server
- secure tenancy
- secured bond
- secured credit card
- securities analyst
- security clearance
- security kernel
- security of tenure
- security risk
- secy.
- sedge wren
- sedimentation tank
- see after
- see-er man
- seed capital
- seed weevil
- seedling blight
- segmentation cavity
- sego lily
- seicento
- seif dune
- seigniorialism
- seism-
- seismic array
- selection box
- selection instrument
- selective attention
- selective service
- self-basting
- self-colored
- self-contented
- self-divinization
- self-feeder
- self-financed
- self-financing
- self-gifting
- self-glorification
- self-governed
- self-liquidating
- self-lubricating
- self-mortification
- self-scanner
- self-stick
- self-tanner
- self-tender
- sell limit order
- sell on close
- sell on opening
- seller financing
- seller's point
- sellers' expectations
- selling climax
- selling race
- selling-plater
- semiconductor diode
- semiconductor laser
- semidurable goods
- semilunar cartilage
- semipolar bond
- semirugged
- semper fidelis
- semper paratus
- senatorial courtesy
- senatorial district
- senatus consultum
- send-to-end billing
- senhora
- senile dementia
- senior aircraftman
- senior boy
- senior common room
- senior debt
- senior executive officer
- senior girl
- senior master sergeant
- senior mortgage
- senior service
- sense datum
- senseh fowl
- sensible horizon
- sensitive site exploitation
- sensorimotor stage
- sensory adaptation
- sensory integration dysfunction
- sensory register
- sensory threshold
- sentence substitute
- sentinel node biopsy
- sentinel node
- sentry box
- senza
- separate off
- septemdecillion
- sequence tagged site
- sequential access
- sequential scanning
- sergeant at arms
- sergeant at law
- sergeant fish
- serial entrepreneur
- serial rights
- serjeant at arms
- serjeant at law
- serous fluid
- serum albumin
- serum globulin
- serum hepatitis
- serve-and-volley
- service break
- service center
- service contract
- service flat
- service learning
- service module
- service shedding
- service stripe
- sess.
- set day
- set width
- setting circle
- setup day
- setup role
- seventh-inning stretch
- seventy four
- sewage farm
- sewing-machine legs
- sex chromatin
- sex factor
- sex industry
- sex role
- sex selection
- sex-typed
- sh.
- shade tree
- shado-benee
- shadow dance
- shadow economy
- shadow senator
- shaggy cap
- shake-and-bake grind
- shaking palsy
- shallow water blackout
- shankpiece
- shannachie
- shape-up
- share certificate
- share index
- share option
- share repurchase plan
- shared ownership
- shareholder of record
- shark patrol
- shark repellent
- shark watcher
- shark's fin soup
- shark-fin soup
- sharon fruit
- sharp-nosed puffer
- sharp-sighted
- sharp-tailed grouse
- shear force
- shear pin
- shear strain
- shed dormer
- sheet down
- shelf ice
- shelf screamer
- shelf talker
- shell bean
- shell laboratory
- shell lease
- shell pink
- sheltered housing
- shen
- shepherd's check
- sheriff court
- shift kick
- shifty air
- shifty grind
- shilpit
- ship's papers
- ship-to-shore
- shipping clerk
- shipt.
- shisha mirror
- shock tactics
- shock-horror
- shoni-onions
- shoo-fly plant
- shoot-the-chute
- shoot-to-kill
- shooting script
- shopping experience
- shoran
- shore ice
- short bond
- short bowel syndrome
- short game
- short haul
- short hundredweight
- short interest
- short odds
- short radius
- short run
- short score
- short-billed marsh wren
- short-day
- short-horned grasshopper
- short-term debt
- short-track speed skating
- short-waisted
- shortbill spearfish
- shorthold tenancy
- shot hole
- shot-blasting
- shottist
- shoulder board
- shoulder flash
- shoulder harness
- shoulder holster
- shoulder patch
- shoulder rest
- shoulder strap
- shove-halfpenny
- shove-it no comply
- shovel-nosed sturgeon
- show house
- show runner
- shp
- shr.
- shraddh
- shrink fit
- sht.
- shtg.
- shu-shu
- shuttle service
- shvartse
- siSwati
- sialoid
- siamese
- sibling species
- sick headache
- sick-out
- sickle feather
- sickle medic
- sickling crisis
- sickness benefit
- side deal
- side meat
- side pull
- side reaction
- side split
- side tone
- side-dress
- side-dressing
- side-impact
- sidecut radius
- sidelevers
- sider-