User:HippieBot/Entries in Encarta online not in Wiktionary/39
- research and development
- reseau
- reserve clause
- reserve requirements
- reserve-grade
- reserved occupation
- resid
- resident commissioner
- residential care
- residential counselor
- residents' association
- residual claim
- residual method
- residual oil
- residual unemployment
- residual value
- resistance level
- resort to
- resortwear
- resource allocation
- resource allowance
- resource price
- resource smoothing
- respiratory distress syndrome
- respiratory quotient
- rest cure
- rest step
- restriction enzyme cutting site
- restriction fragment length polymorphism
- restriction fragment
- restriction site
- resultant tone
- retail anthropology
- retail gravitation
- retail price index
- retail price maintenance
- retained object
- retained profits
- reticuloendothelial system
- retin-
- retinitis proliferans
- retirement pension
- retroactive inhibition
- return on assets
- return on equity
- return on net assets
- revenue anticipation note
- revenue bond
- revenue ledger
- revenue sharing
- revenue tariff
- reverberation time
- reverse bias
- reverse charges
- reverse commuting
- reverse leverage
- reverse split
- reverse transcriptase inhibitor
- reverse yield gap
- reverse-charge
- reversing light
- reversing prism
- revisionary trust
- revocable trust
- revolving fund
- reward deficiency syndrome
- rf.
- rhd
- rhenosterbos
- rhesus baby
- rheumatic heart disease
- rhizofiltration
- rhizogenic
- rhizopus
- rhod-
- rhodinal
- rhp
- rhus tox
- rib roast
- ribbon grass
- ribulose biphosphate
- rice grass
- rice-paper plant
- rich e-mail
- rickettsial pox
- ridge tent
- ridgetree
- riding lawn mower
- rigging loft
- right atrioventricular valve
- right circular cone
- right half
- right of search
- right shoulder arms
- right-brain
- right-to-work law
- rigid designator
- rigid inflatable boat
- rim brake
- ring buoy
- ring circuit
- ring dance
- ring main
- ring spot
- ring-around-the-rosy
- ring-bill
- ring-dike
- ring-necked lizard
- ring-necked
- ring-porous
- ringing tone
- ringneck snake
- ringtail possum
- riot gun
- rip curl
- rip-and-read
- rip-o-matic
- rise to
- rising diphthong
- rising rhythm
- rising trot
- risk arbitrage
- risk factor
- risk pooling
- risk-benefit
- risk-loving
- risk-neutral
- riskless rate
- rit.
- ritual murder
- riv.
- rival consumption
- river catchment
- river surfing
- rns
- ro
- ro-lo
- ro.
- road allowance
- road book
- road export
- road-fund licence
- road-train
- roadroller
- roamer fee
- roast beef air
- robing room
- robot bomb
- robot dancing
- rock brake
- rock climb
- rock plant
- rock-solid
- rockcrawler
- rocker arm
- rocker cam
- rocker switch
- rockered wheels
- rocket air
- rocket-launched grenade
- rocking stone
- rockio
- rodent ulcer
- rodeo flip
- rodperson
- rogallo
- rogue site
- rogue trader
- roll film
- roll forward
- roll of honour
- roll-to-revert
- rolled fondant
- rolled gold
- rolled paperwork
- rolled steel joist
- rolled steel
- rolling contract
- rolling launch
- rollout deck
- rollover relief
- rom.
- roman-fleuve
- rone
- rongo-rongo
- roof garden
- rookoo
- room stock
- root ball
- root climber
- root crop
- root directory
- root knot
- rootage
- rope drag
- rope tow
- roped solo
- rosace
- rose acacia
- rose moss
- rose of Jericho
- rose periwinkle
- roseate spoonbill
- rosebay willow herb
- rosin oil
- rot.
- rotary cultivator
- rotary mower
- rotary plough
- rotary plow
- rotary pump
- rotary tiller
- rotary-wing aircraft
- rough bluegrass
- rough copy
- rough shooting
- rough-cut
- rough-dry
- rough-winged swallow
- round hand
- round steak
- round-arm
- round-the-world ticket
- rout out
- route indicator panel
- royal prerogative
- royal standard
- rps
- rt.
- rtf
- ru
- rubber goods
- rubber-chicken circuit
- rubidium-strontium dating
- ruby spinel
- ruby-throated hummingbird
- rugosa rose
- rule of scarcity
- rulebook slowdown
- rumbira
- run-of-paper
- run-of-station
- running length
- running light
- running market
- running start
- rural district
- rural free delivery
- rural route
- rurp
- rush into
- rush through
- rusticwork
- ruta graveolens
- rw
- ry.
- rye whiskey
- régisseur
- répétiteur
- s.a.e.
- s.c.i.
- s.d.
- s/c
- sa
- sacchar-
- sacred mushroom
- sacred thread
- sacrificial protection
- sad plant
- saddle with
- saddle-sore
- safe harbor provision
- safety film
- safety harness
- safetyman
- saga novel
- sage Derby
- sahitya
- sail into
- sailor blouse
- sailor collar
- salad bird
- salade niçoise
- salchichón
- sale and return
- sales 100s
- sales charge
- sales check
- sales revenue maximization
- salmon day
- saloon bar
- salt bacon
- salt-kind
- saltatory evolution
- saluki
- salvage value
- same-store sales
- sampaloc
- sampling frame
- sand casting
- sandfly fever
- sandwich course
- sandwich lease
- sangam
- sanit.
- sanitary landfill
- sanitary protection
- sanpro
- sant
- sardar
- sargasso weed
- sash saw
- sastra
- satellite broadcasting
- satellite hit
- satellite link
- satellite operation
- satellite station
- satellite telephone
- satellite tenant
- satin bowerbird
- satin flower
- satin walnut
- satisfaction of debt
- saturation zone
- satyr play
- sauve qui peut
- save as you earn
- savings bond
- savings function
- savings method
- savings ratio
- savoy cabbage
- saw-scaled viper
- saw-whet owl
- saxony
- sayyid
- scabbard fish
- scalage
- scalare
- scale moss
- scallop shell
- scarce goods
- scarecrow mobius
- scarf joint
- scatter diagram
- scatter pin
- scattering layer
- scattersite
- scavenger moth
- scene-stealer
- scenic railroad
- scent strip
- scented orchid
- sch.
- scheduled flight
- school crossing patrol