User:HippieBot/Entries in Encarta online not in Wiktionary/36
- parabuntal
- parachute spinnaker
- paradise flycatcher
- parainfluenza virus
- parallax view
- parallel broadcast
- parallel evolution
- parallel pricing
- parallel shift in the yield curve
- parallel turn
- parallelogram rule
- parametric equalizer
- paraneoplastic syndrome
- parapente descent
- parapente
- paraponting
- parasite store
- parcel-gilt
- parent metal
- parfait glass
- parish council
- parish pump
- parity value
- park day
- park keeper
- parking ramp
- parking station
- parkout
- parliamentary party
- parliamentary private secretary
- parliamentary secretary
- part-score
- partan
- partial denture
- partial disability
- partial eclipse
- partial product
- partially sighted
- participating fees
- participating insurance
- participation rate
- particle bombardment
- party-colored
- pas op
- pass band
- pass law
- pass-along reader
- pass-along
- pass-fixer
- passage hawk
- passenger profiling
- passive investment management
- passive portfolio strategy
- pasta pot
- pasta spoon
- pasty-faced
- pat. off.
- pata-pata
- patch board
- patent office
- patent right
- patent still
- path dependent option
- patriarchal cross
- patro-
- patrol torpedo boat
- patrol wagon
- patta
- pawn ticket
- pax vobiscum
- pay bed
- pay cable
- pay envelope
- pay for performance
- pay in
- pay over
- pay-as-you-earn
- paying guest
- payment by results
- payment date
- payment gateway certificate authority
- payment gateway
- payment-in-kind
- payments netting
- paymi
- payout ratio
- payroll giving
- paytrain
- pd.
- pdq
- peace camp
- peach melba
- peak expiratory flow measurement
- peak load
- peak out
- peak program meter
- peanut allergy
- peanut oil
- pearl gray
- peasant skirt
- pease-brose
- peat reek
- pecking-order view
- pecuniary advantage
- ped-
- pedestrate
- peg top
- pekin
- pelyte
- pen computer
- pen point
- pen pot
- penal servitude
- pennant race
- pennine
- penninite
- penny black
- penny shares
- pension reversion
- pentobarbital sodium
- pentobarbitone sodium
- pentyl acetate
- pepper game
- per ardua ad astra
- per-unit tax
- percussion tool
- percutaneous coronary angioplasty
- percutaneous transtracheal ventilation
- perfect capital market
- perfect gas
- perfect hedge
- perfect title
- perfected first lien
- performance appraisal
- performance bond margin
- performance contract
- performance enhancer
- performance shares
- performing arts medicine
- perinephrium
- period certain
- periodic motion
- periodic system
- perionychium
- peripheral nerve entrapment syndrome
- periphery region
- permanent hardness
- permanent health insurance
- permanent load
- permanent set
- permanent tooth
- permanent-income hypothesis
- permanent-income savings motive
- permission marketing
- perpetual calendar
- personal allowance
- personal appearance
- personal care
- personal information manager
- personal service corporation
- personal unconscious
- personality type
- personalized medicine
- persons using radio
- persons using television
- petit point
- petri-
- petty jury
- petty sessions
- pg
- phantom bid
- phantom income
- phantom limb pain
- pharmac-
- phase alternation line
- phase difference
- phase music
- phase speed
- phase splitter
- phase-contrast microscope
- pheasant's-eye
- phenol-formaldehyde resin
- phenylethyl alcohol
- phi effect
- phleb-
- phlebotomus fever
- phone phreak
- phone switching
- phonochemistry
- phony war
- phorid fly
- phosphate rock
- photo CD
- photo messaging
- photo story
- photo-diary
- photodriven
- photographic magnitude
- phrase marker
- phrase-structure grammar
- phyl-
- phyll-
- physical asset
- physical capital
- physical challenge
- physical electronics
- physical flow
- physical jerks
- physical medicine
- physical metallurgy
- physical optics
- physical wealth
- physician-assisted suicide
- physiological psychology
- physiological saline
- phyt-
- phytobiophysics
- phytoprotectant
- pi-dog
- piani
- piano hinge
- piano quartet
- piano quintet
- piano trio
- pica em
- picante
- pick up with
- pick-your-own
- picking-up
- pickle peach
- picnic races
- picowave
- picr-
- picture hanger
- picture hook
- picture library
- picture puzzle
- picture researcher
- picture writing
- picture-postcard
- pie chain
- piece-dyed
- piece-rate system
- piezoelectric crystal
- pigeon breast
- pigeon hawk
- piggy-whidden
- piggyback loan
- piggyback rights
- pilipili
- pillow sham
- pima cotton
- pimp vessel
- pin clover
- pin tuck
- pinch grip
- pinch-run
- pine leaf scale
- pine straw
- pink bollworm
- pink lady
- pink river dolphin
- pink-slip
- pinkster flower
- pinnati-
- pinwork
- pinxter flower
- pip-emma
- pipe clay
- pipe major
- pipeline protection
- piripiri
- pismo clam
- pit committee
- pitch bend
- pitcher's mound
- pitching rotation
- pituitary extract
- piña cloth
- più
- pkt.
- place of safety order
- place-seeker
- placental-blood transplant
- plain knitting
- plainsperson
- plan ahead
- plan for
- plan sponsor
- plan-
- planetar
- planned injection
- planned saving
- plano-concave
- plant agreement
- plant hopper
- plant patent
- plant science
- plantilla
- plasm-
- plasma arc
- plasma torch
- plasma-arc machining
- plasmagel
- plasmasol
- plasmo-
- plastic bomb
- plastic carpet
- plastic wrap
- plate binding
- plate boundary
- platin-
- platinum metal
- platoon sergeant
- play lunch
- play upon
- play-down
- player killer
- pledgathon
- pleur-
- plio-
- plow steel
- plowman's spikenard
- plug gage
- plum peach
- plumate
- plumb in
- plunge step
- plural voting
- plus tick
- pneumatic tube
- pneumobacillus
- poco
- poenskop
- poet.
- poi dance
- point after
- point contact
- point defect
- point of accumulation
- point of presence
- point spread
- point system
- point woman
- point-and-figure chart
- point-of-purchase
- point-of-sale
- pointed arch
- pointy-headed
- poison dogwood
- poison elder
- poke check
- pol.
- polar axis
- polar distance
- polar front
- polar nucleus