User:HippieBot/Entries in Encarta online not in Wiktionary/33
- meno
- mens sana in corpore sano
- mental challenge
- mental handicap
- mental impairment
- mental lexicon
- menu-driven
- mer.
- mercantile system
- merchant account
- merchant card
- merchant certificate authority
- mercur-
- mercuric oxide
- mercurius corrosivus
- mercurius solubilis
- mercurous chloride
- mercury chloride
- mercury fulminate
- merge/purge
- merienda
- merit pay
- merit recruitment
- merit system
- merry bone
- merry-bells
- merse
- mescla
- mesne profits
- message code authentication
- message digest
- messenger line
- metachronal rhythm
- metal.
- metall-
- metallic lens
- metamorphic technique
- metaphase plate
- metatarsus adductus
- meteor.
- metered mail
- methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
- methyl isocyanate
- metric hundredweight
- metropolitan district
- mevrou
- mexicana
- mexicano
- mezzanine funding
- mfd.
- mfecane
- mfr.
- mg
- mgd
- micro goal
- micro scooter
- micro-electromechanical system
- micro-hedge
- micro-miniskirt
- microeconomic incentive
- microportable
- microtrabecular lattice
- micturating cystogram
- mid cap
- mid-Atlantic
- mid-fat ski
- mid.
- middle break
- middle common room
- middle-aged spread
- middle-income
- middling meat
- midi system
- migration corridor
- mike mugger
- mild language
- milestone payment
- miliary fever
- military clause
- military honors
- military intelligence
- military law
- military pace
- milkweed butterfly
- mill end
- mill finish
- milline rate
- mind-body problem
- mindfulness training
- mine detector
- mine dump
- miner's right
- mineral spring
- mineral tar
- ming tree
- mini-blind
- minimal art
- minimally invasive surgery
- minimum dose
- minimum efficient plant size
- minimum lending rate
- minimum payment
- miniperm
- minor auction
- minor element
- minority carrier
- minority ownership
- minus tick
- mioga
- mirch
- mirror racing
- mirror site
- mishanga
- misplaced modifier
- mission critical
- miter block
- miter square
- mitigation specialist
- mitochondrial DNA disease
- mitral stenosis
- mittelstand
- mix down
- mix minus
- mix-and-match
- mixed account
- mixed market
- mixed nerve
- mixter-maxter
- mizou
- mizuma
- mk.
- mks units
- mksA
- ml
- mmf
- mobile unit
- mobility housing
- mobility of labor
- mobius
- mock interview
- mock turtle
- mockneck
- model home
- model theory
- modeling chocolate
- moderate gale
- moderate-income
- modern Greek
- modern jazz
- modified book value
- modified cash basis
- modified duration
- modular hold
- mohey
- mohican
- moiré effect
- molecular chaperone
- molecular distillation
- molecular film
- molto
- molybdenum sulfide
- momentum indicator
- mondain
- mondaine
- monetary aggregate
- monetary base control
- monetary base
- monetary reserve
- money center bank
- money creation
- money demand
- money multiplier
- money national income
- money purchase pension
- money shell
- money substitute
- money-back
- monk's cloth
- monkey flower
- monkey orange
- monkey tricks
- monkey with
- monkey-jive
- monoamine oxidase inhibitor
- monolithic technology
- monopoly profits
- monothelitism
- mont-de-piété
- montadale
- montan wax
- mooi
- moon shell
- mooring tower
- mor.
- moral majority
- moral obligation bond
- moral theology
- morning watch
- morocco leather
- morogo
- mortality table
- mortgage banker
- mortgage broker
- mortgage constant
- mortgage discount
- mortgage equity analysis
- mortgage insurance
- mortgage lien
- mortgage life insurance
- mortgage note
- mortgage pool
- mortgage portfolio
- mortgage rate
- mortgage tax
- mosaic disease
- mosquito air
- mosquito fish
- mosquito newspaper
- moss pink
- mosso
- mossy zinc
- most distant futures contract
- mother cell
- mother of the chapel
- mother tincture
- mother-of-thousands
- motion study
- motivational research
- motor camp
- motor drive
- motor neurone
- motor park
- motor rhythm
- motorcycle-lifter
- mottled enamel
- moulvi
- mountain devil
- mourning band
- mouse bat
- mouse button
- mouse miles
- mouse-colored
- mouso
- mousseline de soie
- mousseline sauce
- mov
- move into
- movie film
- moving-coil
- mozzle
- mp3
- mpeg
- mq
- mu meson
- muc-
- muchacha
- muck sweat
- mud hen
- mud minnow
- mud skid
- mud sled
- mud snake
- mud wagon
- mulligan ballot
- mult-
- multibanked
- multicenter bond
- multichannel communication
- multicurrency clause
- multigrade oil
- multilevel marketing
- multimedia messaging service
- multiple alleles
- multiple factor
- multiple fission
- multiple neuritis
- multiple polyposis
- multiple shop
- multiple voting
- multiplier effect
- multiplier-accelerator model
- multistage rocket
- multiuser domain
- multiuser domain, object-oriented
- multivoice
- mums and dads
- municipal bond fund
- municipal bond
- munitionize
- munyeroo
- murine typhus
- murragh
- murrhine glass
- mursid
- muscle candy
- muscle mary
- muscle sense
- mush area
- mushburger
- music drama
- music roll
- musica norteña
- musicians' overuse syndrome
- musk orchid
- musk plant
- musselcracker
- mustard and cress
- mutation stop
- mutawaa
- mute air
- muti-man
- mutton-birder
- mutual company
- mutual rescission
- mutuel
- mw
- mx
- mxd.
- myelogenous leukemia
- myeloid leukemia
- myometritis
- myositis ossificans
- myth.
- myx-
- mz
- médaillon
- n'gana
- n.l.
- n.o.
- n.o.p.
- n.o.s.
- n.wt.
- n/f
- nadi
- nae
- nail-up
- naissance
- naive diversification
- naive realism
- naked option
- naked put
- naked reverse
- naked warrant
- namma hole
- nancy story
- nankeen kestrel
- nanny tax
- nanocosm
- nant
- nap hand
- narrow money
- narrow range day
- nasal cannulae
- nasty grind
- nat mur
- nation language
- national bank