Brain anatomy sourced from Terminologia Anatomica.
- accessory cuneate nucleus
- accessory nuclei of optic tract
- accessory nucleus of oculomotor nucleus
- acoustic radiation
- allocortex
- alveus
- amiculum of olive
- amygdaloid body
- angular gyrus
- ansa lenticularis
- ansa peduncularis
- anterior acoustic stria
- anterior cochlear nucleus
- anterior commissure
- anterior external arcuate fibers
- anterior hypothalamic area
- anterior limb of internal capsule
- anterior lobe of cerebellum
- anterior median fissure of medulla oblongata
- anterior nuclei of thalamus
- anterior olfactory nucleus
- anterior paracentral gyrus
- anterior part of anterior commissure
- anterior part of lateral hypothalamic zone
- anterior perforated substance
- anterior periventricular hypothalamic nucleus
- anterior quadrangular lobule
- anterior ramus of lateral sulcus
- anterior tegmental decussation
- anterior tegmental nucleus
- anterior thalamic radiation
- anterior thalamic tubercle
- anterior trigeminothalamic tract
- anterolateral sulcus of medulla oblongata
- aqueduct of midbrain
- arbor vitae
- archicortex
- arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus
- arcuate nucleus of medulla oblongata
- area postrema
- ascending ramus of lateral sulcus
- association fibers of telencephalon
- atrium of lateral ventricle
- auditory commissure of pons
- basal forebrain
- base of peduncle
- basilar part of pons
- basilar sulcus
- basolateral amygdaloid nuclei
- bed nucleus of stria terminalis
- biventral lobule
- body of caudate nucleus
- body of cerebellum
- body of corpus callosum
- body of fornix
- body of lateral ventricle
- brachium of inferior colliculus
- brachium of superior colliculus
- brainstem
- bulb of occipital horn
- calcarine spur
- calcarine sulcus
- callosal gyrus
- caudal part of spinal trigeminal nucleus
- caudal pontine reticular nucleus
- caudate nucleus
- caudatolenticular gray bridges
- cave of septum pellucidum
- central lobule
- central mesencephalic structures
- central reticular nucleus
- central sulcus of insula
- central sulcus
- central tegmental tract
- central thalamic radiation
- centromedial amygdaloid nuclei
- cerebellar commissure
- cerebellar cortex
- cerebellar fissures
- cerebellar nuclei
- cerebellar peduncles
- cerebelloolivary tract
- cerebellopontine angle
- cerebellum
- cerebral arcuate fibers
- cerebral cortex
- cerebral gyri
- cerebral hemisphere
- cerebral lobes
- cerebral peduncle
- cerebral sulci
- cerebrum
- cerulean nucleus
- choroid fissure
- choroid line of lateral ventricle
- choroid plexus of fourth ventricle
- choroid plexus of lateral ventricle
- choroid plexus of third ventricle
- choroidal enlargement
- cingulate gyrus
- cingulate sulcus
- cingulum
- circular sulcus of insula
- claustrum
- collateral eminence
- collateral sulcus
- collateral trigone
- columns of fornix
- commissural fibers of telencephalon
- commissure of inferior colliculi
- commissure of superior colliculi
- compact part of substantia nigra
- cornu ammonis
- corona radiata
- corpus callosum
- corpus striatum
- corticomesencephalic fibers
- corticonuclear fibers
- corticopontine fibers
- corticoreticular fibers
- corticorubral fibers
- corticospinal fibers
- corticotectal fibers
- corticothalamic fibers
- crura of fornix
- crus cerebri
- culmen
- cuneate nucleus
- cuneate tubercle
- cuneiform nucleus
- cuneocerebellar fibers
- cuneus
- declive
- decussation of medial lemniscus
- decussation of pyramids
- decussation of superior cerebellar peduncles
- dentate gyrus
- dentate nucleus
- dentatothalamic tract
- diagonal band
- diencephalon
- dorsal hypothalalmic area
- dorsal nuclei of thalamus
- dorsal striatum
- dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus
- elliptic nucleus
- emboliform nucleus
- epithalamus
- external capsule
- external medullary lamina of thalamus
- extreme capsule
- fasciculus peduncularis
- fasciculus subthalamicus
- fasciculus thalamicus
- fasciolar gyrus
- fastigial nucleus
- fastigium
- fimbria of hippocampus
- flocculonodular lobe
- flocculus
- folia of cerebellum
- folium of vermis
- fornicate gyrus
- fornix
- fourth ventricle
- frenulum of superior medullary velum
- frontal forceps
- frontal horn
- frontal lobe
- frontal operculum
- frontal pole
- frontopontine fibers
- genu of corpus callosum
- genu of fibers of facial nerve
- genu of internal capsule
- gigantocellular nucleus
- globose nucleus
- globus pallidus
- gracile lobule
- gracile nucleus
- gracile tubercle
- gray matter of cerebellum
- gray matter of medulla oblongata
- gray matter of pontine tegmentum
- gray matter of tegmentum of midbrain
- habenula
- habenular commissure
- habenular sulcus
- habenular trigone
- habenulointerpeduncular tract
- head of caudate nucleus
- hemisphere of cerebellum
- hilum of dentate nucleus
- hilum of inferior olivary nucleus
- hippocampal commissure
- hippocampal sulcus
- hippocampus
- horizontal fissure
- hypothalamic sulcus
- hypothalamohypophyseal tract
- hypothalamus
- indusium griseum
- inferior cerebellar peduncle
- inferior colliculus
- inferior frontal gyrus
- inferior frontal sulcus
- inferior longitudinal fasciculus
- inferior medulla oblongata
- inferior medullary velum
- inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus
- inferior olivary complex
- inferior opening of aqueduct of midbrain
- inferior parietal lobule
- inferior salivatory nucleus
- inferior semilunar lobule
- inferior surface of cerebral hemisphere
- inferior temporal gyrus
- inferior temporal sulcus
- inferior vestibular nucleus
- inferolateral margin of cerebral hemisphere
- inferomedial margin of cerebral hemisphere
- infundibular recess
- infundibulum of hypothalamus
- insula
- intercalated nucleus
- interlobar sulci
- intermediate acoustic stria
- intermediate hypothalamic area
- internal arcuate fibers
- internal capsule
- internal medullary lamina of thalamus
- interpeduncular fossa
- interpeduncular nucleus
- interpolar part of spinal trigeminal nucleus
- interstitial nucleus
- interthalamic adhesion
- interventricular foramen
- intracuneiform nucleus
- intralaminar nuclei of thalamus
- intraparietal sulcus
- isocortex
- isthmus of cingulate gyrus
- juxtallocortex
- juxtarestiform body
- lacrimal nucleus
- lamina affixa
- lamina terminalis
- laminae of septum pellucidum
- lateral aperture of fourth ventricle
- lateral cerebral fossa
- lateral dorsal nucleus
- lateral funiculus of medulla oblongata
- lateral geniculate body
- lateral geniculate nucleus
- lateral groove of midbrain
- lateral habenular nucleus
- lateral hypothalamic zone
- lateral lemniscus
- lateral longitudinal stria
- lateral mammillary nucleus
- lateral medullary lamina
- lateral nuclei of thalamus
- lateral occipital gyri
- lateral occipitotemporal gyrus
- lateral olfactory stria
- lateral paragigantocellular nucleus
- lateral part of substantia nigra
- lateral posterior nucleus
- lateral preoptic nucleus
- lateral recess of fourth ventricle
- lateral reticular nucleus
- lateral root of optic tract
- lateral segment of globus pallidus
- lateral sulcus
- lateral tuberal nucleus
- lateral ventricle
- lateral vestibular nucleus
- lateroposterior tegmental nucleus
- layers of superior colliculus
- lenticular fasciculus
- lentiform nucleus
- limbic gyrus
- limbic lobe
- limen insulae
- lingual gyrus
- lingula of vermis
- lobule II of cerebellar hemisphere
- lobule II of vermis
- lobule III of cerebellar hemisphere
- lobule III of vermis
- lobule IV of cerebellar hemisphere
- lobule IV of vermis
- lobule V of cerebellar hemisphere
- lobule V of vermis
- long association fibers
- long gyrus of insula
- longitudinal cerebral fissure
- longitudinal pontine fibers
- lunate sulcus
- magnocellular nuclei of basal forebrain
- magnus raphe nucleus
- mammillary body
- mammillotegmental fasciculus
- mammillothalamic fasciculus
- marginal branch of cingulate sulcus
- medial accessory olivary nucleus
- medial forebrain bundle
- medial frontal gyrus
- medial geniculate body
- medial geniculate nuclei
- medial habenular nucleus
- medial hypothalamic zone
- medial lemniscus
- medial longitudinal fasciculus
- medial longitudinal stria
- medial mammillary nucleus
- medial medullary lamina
- medial nuclei of thalamus
- medial occipitotemporal gyrus
- medial olfactory stria
- medial preoptic nucleus
- medial root of optic tract
- medial segment of globus pallidus
- medial surface of cerebral hemisphere
- medial vestibular nucleus
- median aperture of fourth ventricle
- median eminence
- median raphe nucleus
- median sulcus of rhomboid fossa
- mediodorsal nucleus
- medulla oblongata
- medullary corticonuclear fibers
- medullary lamellae of cerebellum
- medullary reticular formation
- medullary striae of fourth ventricle
- medullopontine sulcus
- mesencephalic corticonuclear fibers
- mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve
- mesencephalic tract of trigeminal nerve
- midbrain
- middle cerebellar peduncle
- middle frontal gyrus
- middle temporal gyrus
- motor nucleus of facial nerve
- motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve
- neocortex
- nodule of vermis
- nuclei of anterior tegmental area
- nuclei of cranial nerves
- nuclei of geniculate bodies
- nuclei of inferior colliculus
- nuclei of lateral lemniscus
- nuclei of perizonal fields
- nuclei of trapezoid body
- nucleus accumbens
- nucleus ambiguus
- nucleus basalis
- nucleus of abducens nerve
- nucleus of brachium of inferior colliculus
- nucleus of hypoglossal nerve
- nucleus of oculomotor nerve
- nucleus of origin of cranial nerve
- nucleus of posterior commissure
- nucleus of solitary tract
- nucleus of trochlear nerve
- obex
- obscurus raphe nucleus
- occipital forceps
- occipital horn
- occipital lobe
- occipital pole
- occipitopontine fibers
- occipitotemporal gyri
- occipitotemporal sulcus
- oculomotor complex
- olfactory bulb
- olfactory structures
- olfactory sulcus
- olfactory tract
- olfactory trigone
- olive
- olivocerebellar tract
- olivocochlear tract
- opercular part of inferior frontal gyrus
- optic chiasm
- optic radiation
- optic tract
- oral part of spinal trigeminal nucleus
- orbital gyri
- orbital part of inferior frontal gyrus
- orbital sulci
- paleocortex
- pallidus raphe nucleus
- pallium
- parabigeminal nucleus
- parabrachial nuclei
- paracentral lobule
- paracentral sulcus
- parahippocampal gyrus
- paraolfactory gyri
- paraolfactory sulci
- paraterminal gyrus
- paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus
- paraventriculohypophyseal tract
- parietal lobe
- parietal operculum
- parietooccipital sulcus
- parietopontine fibers
- parvocellular reticular nucleus
- peduncle of flocculus
- pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus
- periamygdaloid cortex
- periaqueductal gray substance
- perifornical nucleus
- perihypoglossal nuclei
- periventricular fibers of hypothalamus
- periventricular fibers of thalamus
- periventricular hypothalamic zone
- periventricular nuclei of thalamus
- periventricular organs of third ventricle
- periventricular preoptic nucleus
- pes hippocampi
- pineal recess
- pons
- pontine central gray matter
- pontine corticonuclear fibers
- pontine nuclei
- pontine raphe nuclei
- pontine reticular formation
- pontocerebellar fibers
- pontocerebellum
- postcentral gyrus
- postcentral sulcus
- postcommissural fibers
- posterior accessory olivary nucleus
- posterior acoustic stria
- posterior cochlear nucleus
- posterior commissure
- posterior external arcuate fibers
- posterior hypothalamic area
- posterior hypothalamic nucleus
- posterior limb of internal capsule
- posterior lobe of cerebellum
- posterior longitudinal fasciculus
- posterior median sulcus of medulla oblongata
- posterior nucleus of vagus nerve
- posterior paracentral gyrus
- posterior paragigantocellular nucleus
- posterior paramedian nucleus
- posterior part of anterior commissure
- posterior part of lateral hypothalamic zone
- posterior perforated substance
- posterior periventricular hypothalamic nucleus
- posterior quadrangular lobule
- posterior ramus of lateral sulcus
- posterior raphe nucleus
- posterior tegmental decussation
- posterior tegmental nucleus
- posterior thalamic radiation
- posterior trigeminothalamic tract
- posterolateral fissure
- posterolateral sulcus of medulla oblongata
- precentral gyrus
- precentral sulcus
- precommissural fibers
- precuneus
- pregeniculate nucleus
- preoccipital notch
- preoptic area
- prepositus nucleus
- prerubral tegmentum
- pretectal nuclei
- pretectum
- prethalamus
- primary fissure
- principal inferior olivary nucleus
- principal sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve
- projection fibers of telencephalon
- pulvinar nuclei
- pulvinar
- putamen
- pyramid of medulla oblongata
- pyramidal tract
- pyramis of vermis
- radiation of corpus callosum
- raphe nuclei of medulla oblongata
- raphe of medulla oblongata
- raphe of pons
- red nucleus
- restiform body
- reticular formation of midbrain
- reticular nucleus of prethalamus
- reticular part of substantia nigra
- reticulotegmental nucleus
- retinohypothalamic tract
- retro-olivary groove
- retroambiguus nucleus
- retrofacial nucleus
- retrolentiform limb of internal capsule
- rhinal sulcus
- rhomboid fossa
- roof of fourth ventricle
- rostral pontine reticular nucleus
- rostrum of corpus callosum
- rubroolivary tract
- secondary fissure
- semilunar lobules
- semioval center
- septal nuclei
- septum pellucidum
- short association fibers
- short gyri of insula
- solitary tract
- spinal lemniscus
- spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve
- spinal tract of trigeminal nerve
- spinocerebellum
- splenium of corpus callosum
- straight gyrus
- stria medullaris thalami
- stria terminalis
- subcallosal area
- subcommissural organ
- subcuneiform nucleus
- subfornical organ
- subhypoglossal nucleus
- subiculum
- sublenticular extended amygdala
- sublentiform limb of internal capsule
- subparietal sulcus
- substantia nigra
- subthalamic nucleus
- subthalamus
- sulcus limitans
- sulcus of corpus callosum
- superior cerebellar peduncle
- superior colliculus
- superior frontal gyrus
- superior frontal sulcus
- superior longitudinal fasciculus
- superior margin of cerebral hemisphere
- superior medulla oblongata
- superior medullary velum
- superior occipital gyri
- superior occipitofrontal fasciculus
- superior olivary nucleus
- superior opening of aqueduct of midbrain
- superior parietal lobule
- superior salivatory nucleus
- superior semilunar lobule
- superior temporal gyrus
- superior temporal sulcus
- superior vestibular nucleus
- superolateral surface of cerebral hemisphere
- suprachiasmatic nucleus
- supragenual nucleus
- supramarginal gyrus
- supraoptic commissures
- supraoptic nucleus
- supraoptic recess
- supraopticohypophyseal tract
- suprapineal recess
- tail of caudate nucleus
- tapetum
- tectum of midbrain
- tegmental decussations
- tegmentum of midbrain
- tegmentum of pons
- tela choroidea of fourth ventricle
- tela choroidea of third ventricle
- telencephalon
- temporal horn
- temporal lobe
- temporal operculum
- temporal plane
- temporal pole
- temporopontine fibers
- tenia cinerea
- tenia of fornix
- tenia thalami
- terminal nucleus of cranial nerve
- thalamic medullary laminae
- thalamoparietal fibers
- thalamus
- third ventricle
- tonsil of cerebellum
- transition areas of amygdala
- transverse cerebral fissure
- transverse occipital sulcus
- transverse pontine fibers
- transverse temporal gyri
- transverse temporal sulci
- trapezoid body
- triangular part of inferior frontal gyrus
- trigeminal lemniscus
- trigeminal tubercle
- trochlear decussation
- tuber cinereum
- tuber of vermis
- tuberal part of lateral hypothalamic zone
- tuberomammillary nucleus
- uncinate fasciculus of cerebellum
- uncinate fasciculus of cerebrum
- uncus
- uvula of vermis
- vallecula of cerebellum
- vascular organ of lamina terminalis
- ventral anterior nucleus
- ventral lateral nuclei
- ventral medial nuclei
- ventral nuclei of thalamus
- ventral pallidum
- ventral posterior nuclei
- ventral striatum
- ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus
- vermis of cerebellum
- vestibular nuclei
- vestibulocerebellum
- walls of lateral ventricle
- walls of third ventricle
- white matter of brainstem
- white matter of cerebellum
- white matter of diencephalon
- white matter of medulla oblongata
- white matter of pontine tegmentum
- white matter of tegmentum of midbrain
- white matter of telencephalon
- wing of central lobule
- zona incerta