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Well there's one problem... the edittools don't work at all for LQT. That seriously needs to be fixed.

Prince Kassad17:23, 17 May 2010

Meh. "This thread has new posts. Update" Interesting, isn't it?

Yair rand (talk)17:24, 17 May 2010

That's because, when I wrote the JavaScript that handles them, it never occurred to me that they might ever be inserted dynamically into an existing page. And even if it had occurred to me, I probably would have assumed they'd be inserted by JavaScript that could then invoke the JavaScript that handles them. Update: Actually, now that I think about it, what I wrote was just a replacement for previously-existing JavaScript that had already made that assumption. So it's not my fault! :-P

Does anyone know if LQT has any JS hooks or callbacks or anything like that? Is there any way to get it to call the code that handles the edit-tools? I really don't want to write JS that will just poll the page every so often to see if suddenly the edit-tools are in it.

RuakhTALK22:12, 17 May 2010