Template:okm-verbal paradigm

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Middle Korean verbal paradigm
Verb stem Slot 1
Object honorific
Slot 2
Past-related TAM
Slot 3
Subject honorific
Slot 4
Present tense
ᅀᆞᇦ〯 (-zǒW-) 더〮 (-té-, imperfective)
아〮/어〮 (-á/é-, perfective)
(-ke-, perfective)
으시〮/ᄋᆞ시〮 (-usí/osí-) ᄂᆞ (-no-)
Slot 5
Slot 6
Slot 7
(Slot 8)
오〮/우〮 (-wó/wú-) 으〮리〮/ᄋᆞ〮리〮 (-úlí/ólí-) 도〮 (-twó-)
돗〮 (-twós-)
더〮 (-té-)
(Slot 9)
Slot 10
Slot 11
Addressee honorific
Slot 12
Verb-final suffix
오〮/우〮 (-wó/wú-) 으〮니〮/ᄋᆞ〮니〮 (-úní/óní-) 으〮ᅌᅵ/ᄋᆞ〮ᅌᅵ (-úngì/óngì-, very deferential)
(-ng-, deferential)
See Template:okm-sentence enders for sentence-final ones
기르ᅀᆞᄫᆞ〮시니〮ᅌᅵ다〮 (kìlù-zòWó-sì[sí]-ní-ngì-tá, [the honored one] [indeed] brought up [the honored thing], [o honored one]., 月印釋譜 10:19)
주그리로〮소〮ᅌᅵ다〮 (cwùk-ùlì[úlí]-lwós[twós]-wó-ngì-tá, [I] shall die, [o honored one]!, 月印釋譜 21:22)
1 Many additional emotive suffixes, which have not been listed here, are fusional compounds that etymologically incorporate non-emotive morphemes. For example, 닷〮 (-tás-), which is used when the speaker has made a realization about some past state, comes from a merger of the imperfective 더〮 (-té-) and the emotive morpheme (-s-).

It is more appropriate to consider such suffixes as single-unit morphemes that belong to the slot for emotive suffixes, even if they also convey other information. They cause issues in the paradigmal order if they are broken down into their etymological constituents. And while the retrospective and confirmative suffixes share a slot and are hence mutually exclusive, 닷〮 (-tás-) has been attested as co-occurring with the latter.

2 In the fifteenth century, only after Slot 7 is filled by the emotive suffix 돗〮 (-twós-), forming the sequence 돗〮더〮 (-twós-té-), used to emotively convey a realization made in the past.

In the sixteenth century, also appears after prospective 으〮리〮/ᄋᆞ〮리〮 (-úlí/olí-), forming the sequence 으〮리〮러〮/ᄋᆞ〮리〮러〮 (-úlí-lé/ólí-lé), used to convey a past state when something was about to happen.

3 Taken when Slot 7 (emotive) is filled.
Certain suffixes are mutually exclusive.