If the stem changes in plural specify it with pl parameter, e.g., pl=кус
If the term ends in -д, -дь, -т, -ть, -н, -нь (-d , -ď , -t , -ť , -n , -ń) or any vowel (with the exception of -и, -ы (-i , -i) in words that are longer than 1 syllable), specify v=1.
Additionally if the word final consonant is -н (-n), specify n=1, as it takes -ць (-ć) as sg. nom. def. ending. It is currently not known what endings words with soft word final n take.
-и, -ы (-i , -i) (in words longer than one syllable) and all the other consonants – you do not need to specify anything.
If there is a "thematic vowel" that changes from the lemma form in inflection that is present in the singular forms of def. decl. (as well as plural,) specify the singular stem with sg= as in сельме (śeľme).
Singulare tantum – st=1, plurale tantum – pt=1.
- ош (oš) – no additional params because the stem doesn't change in plural (ошт (ošt) and it doesn't end with one of the voiced parameter sounds. (fully consistent with the example given in
- васенце (vaśeńće) – the word ends with one of the v=1 sounds, the forms are consistent with ones used in Mokšen' Pravda (its web version.)