Template:list:countries in Africa/pt
- África do Sul
- Angola
- Argélia
- Benim
- Botsuana
- Burquina Faso
- Burúndi
- Cabo Verde
- Camarões
- Chade
- Comores
- Costa do Marfim
- Djibuti ~ Jibuti
- Egito
- Eritreia
- Essuatíni, Suazilândia
- Etiópia
- Gabão
- Gâmbia
- Gana
- Guiné
- Guiné Equatorial
- Guiné-Bissau
- Lesoto
- Libéria
- Líbia
- Madagascar (Brazil) ~ Madagáscar (Portugal)
- Maláui
- Mali
- Marrocos
- Maurício (Brazil) ~ Maurícia (Portugal)
- Mauritânia
- Moçambique
- Namíbia
- Níger
- Nigéria
- Quênia (Brazil) ~ Quénia (Portugal)
- República Centro-Africana
- República Democrática do Congo
- República do Congo
- Ruanda
- Saara Ocidental
- São Tomé e Príncipe
- Seicheles
- Senegal
- Serra Leoa
- Somália
- Sudão
- Sudão do Sul
- Tanzânia
- Togo
- Tunísia
- Uganda
- Zâmbia
- Zimbábue
- The following documentation is automatically transcluded by the template
{{list doc}}
This is a list of countries in Africa in the Portuguese language.
Usage on its own line:
{{list:countries in Africa/pt}}
- Use
to disable categorization if the list template auto-categorizes (if so, the English portion of the title is linked to the category). - Use
to specify a sort base for categorizing this page in its category or categories.
This list in all languages and scripts
[edit]- list:countries in Africa/af
- list:countries in Africa/az
- list:countries in Africa/cy
- list:countries in Africa/de
- list:countries in Africa/en
- list:countries in Africa/es
- list:countries in Africa/fi
- list:countries in Africa/hu
- list:countries in Africa/id
- list:countries in Africa/ja
- list:countries in Africa/ms
- list:countries in Africa/mt
- list:countries in Africa/nb
- list:countries in Africa/pl
- list:countries in Africa/pt
- list:countries in Africa/ru
- list:countries in Africa/sv
- list:countries in Africa/sw
- list:countries in Africa/tk
- list:countries in Africa/tr
- list:countries in Africa/uk