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Declension of koira (type 3/koira, no gradation)
singular plural
nominative koira koirat
genitive koiran koiriin
partitive koiraa koiria
illative koiraa koirii
inessive koiraas koiriis
elative koirast koirist
allative koiralle koirille
adessive koiraal koiriil
ablative koiralt koirilt
translative koiraks koiriks
essive koiranna, koiraan koirinna, koiriin
exessive1) koirant koirint
1) obsolete
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka? or -kä? to the genitive.

To be used for Ingrian nominals ending in -a - in two-syllable words with a stressed {u, o, y, ö} or in front-vocalic words - corresponding to Junus' chapter IV paragraph §3. The nominal number is shared by {{izh-decl/kana}}, which has a somewhat distinct declension from this template, especially in plural declension.

The following parameters are present:

|1= The strong grade of the final consonant
|2= The weak grade of the final consonant