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Documentation for Template:it-pr. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.



This template generates the ==Pronunciation== section of an Italian term, including the phonemic pronunciation, rhymes and hyphenation, as well as (if manually specified) audio files and homophones.

This template is intended to replace the use of {{it-IPA}} along with {{rhymes}}, {{hyph}}, {{audio}} and similar templates specifying auxiliary pronunciation information. It uses the same respelling conventions as {{it-IPA}}, but automatically generates the rhyme info as well as (if the respelling is similar to the page name) the hyphenation info.



Quick reference

Page Example Comment
ruota {{it-pr|ruòta}} Basic usage.
lieto {{it-pr|lièto,liéto}} More than one respelling can be given.
università {{it-pr}}, {{it-pr|+}} The respelling can be omitted or given as + if the same as the page name.
correo {{it-pr|corrèo,#còrreo}} Any symbols recognized by {{it-IPA}} are recognized here.
ananas {{it-pr|ànanas,ananàs<qual:rare>}} Explicit qualifier.
sternbergia {{it-pr|sternbèrgia<ref:{{R:it:Olivetti}}>}} Reference.
scandinavo {{it-pr|scandìnavo,#!scandinàvo<ref:{{R:it:DiPI}}><ref:{{R:it:Trec}}>}} Multiple references.
Musorgskij {{it-pr|Mussòrski<hyph:Mu.sòrg.skij>}} Explicit hyphenation.
marijuana {{it-pr|mariwàna,mariu.àna<ref:{{R:it:DiPI}}><hyph:ma.ri.juà.na>}} Reference + explicit hyphenation.
vacui {{it-pr|vàcwi,#vàcu.i<hyph:và.cui,và.cu.i<qual:traditional>>}} Explicit hyphenation with embedded qualifier.
abate {{it-pr|abàte<audio:It-abate.ogg>}} Audio file given.
forchetta {{it-pr|forchétta<audio:It-una forchetta.ogg;Audio (''una forchetta'')>}} Audio file given with explicit caption.
Monaco {{it-pr|Mònaco<hmp:monaco>}} Homophone given.
-poli {{it-pr|-pȯli<post:{{q|stress falls on the [[antepenultimate]]}}>}} Specify text following the pronunciation line.
mis- {{it-pr|mis-|mi[z]-<post:{{q|before vowels and voiced consonants}}>}} Multiple pronunciation lines with text following the second line.
X {{it-pr|ìx<pre:{{q|letter name}}>|x<pre:{{q|phonemic realization}}>}} Multiple pronunciation lines with text preceding each line.
bene {{it-pr
|bène<pre:{{a|standard|Central Italy|Southern Italy}}>
|béne<pre:{{a|Northern Italy}}><rhyme:-><hyph:->}}
Disable rhyme and hyphenation for dialect pronunciations.

Basic usage


This template normally takes a single parameter, which in the most basic usage is simply the respelling of the term, as with {{it-IPA}}. For example, for ruota (wheel), use the following on a line by itself:


which produces

  • IPA(key): /ˈrwɔ.ta/
  • Rhymes: -ɔta
  • Hyphenation: ruò‧ta

Note how the pronunciation, rhyme and hyphenation are all auto-generated.

If there is more than one possible pronunciation, separate the respellings with a comma, as with lieto (cheerful):


which produces

  • IPA(key): /ˈljɛ.to/, /ˈlje.to/
  • Rhymes: -ɛto, -eto
  • Hyphenation: liè‧to, lié‧to

If the respelling is the same as the page name, it can be omitted, as with università (university):


which produces

  • IPA(key): /u.ni.ver.siˈta/*
  • Rhymes: -a
  • Hyphenation: u‧ni‧ver‧si‧tà

You can also explicitly request the page name using +:


which produces

  • IPA(key): /u.ni.ver.siˈta/*
  • Rhymes: -a
  • Hyphenation: u‧ni‧ver‧si‧tà

In simple cases like this, explicitly using + is unnecessary, but it is required when there is more than one respelling or a modifier is attached to a respelling (see below).



All of the special symbols documented for {{it-IPA}} can be used with {{it-pr}} as well. An example is # to indicate a traditional pronunciation, as with correo:


which produces

  • IPA(key): /korˈrɛ.o/, (traditional) /ˈkɔr.re.o/
  • Rhymes: -ɛo, (traditional) -ɔrreo
  • Hyphenation: cor‧rè‧o, (traditional) còr‧re‧o

Note how the qualifier is echoed on the rhyme and hyphenation lines.

The template is smart about the handling of qualifiers, and will not include the qualifier where it does not make sense to do so. For example, maltese (Maltese) has a traditional pronunciation with [s] instead of [z]:


which produces

  • IPA(key): /malˈte.ze/, (traditional) /malˈte.se/
  • Rhymes: -eze, (traditional) -ese
  • Hyphenation: mal‧té‧se

Here, the hyphenations of the normal and traditional pronunciations are the same, so the traditional qualifier is not included with the hyphenation.

You can attach an arbitrary qualifier to a term using modifier syntax, which is of the form <PROPERTY:VALUE>. For example, to note the rare pronunciation ananàs of ananas (pineapple):


which produces

  • IPA(key): /ˈa.na.nas/, (rare) /a.naˈnas/
  • Rhymes: -ananas, (rare) -as
  • Hyphenation: à‧na‧nas, (rare) a‧na‧nàs

You can add qualifiers separately to each term, as with gli (to him/her):

{{it-pr|+<qual:before a consonant>,ʎ<qual:before a vowel>}}

which produces

  • IPA(key): (before a consonant) /ʎi/, (before a vowel) */ʎ/*
  • Rhymes: (before a consonant) -i
  • Hyphenation: (before a consonant) gli

Footnotes and references


To add a footnote (reference) to a term, use the modifier syntax <ref:VALUE>. For example, to reference the pronunciation of sternbergia (sternbergia) to Olivetti's Dizionario Italiano, use a syntax like the following:


<references />

which produces


  1. ^ sternbergia in Dizionario Italiano Olivetti, Olivetti Media Communication

As with qualifiers, you can footnote each term separately. An example is sternocleidomastoideo (sternocleidomastoid), where different dictionaries describe the secondary stresses differently:


<references />

which produces

  • IPA(key): /ˌster.noˌklej.do.ma.stojˈdɛ.o/[1], /ˌstɛr.noˌklɛj.do.ma.stojˈdɛ.o/[2]
  • Rhymes: -ɛo
  • Hyphenation: ster‧no‧clei‧do‧ma‧stoi‧dè‧o


  1. ^ sternocleidomastoideo in Dizionario Italiano Olivetti, Olivetti Media Communication
  2. ^ sternocleidomastoideo in Luciano Canepari, Dizionario di Pronuncia Italiana (DiPI)

Explicit hyphenation


Hyphenation is automatic if the respelling is the same as the page name after certain transformations are applied to the respelling:

  1. Remove symbols such as *, #, ! and ° that may occur before or after words.
  2. Remove extraneous accent marks, syllable dividers (.) and underscores (_).
  3. Convert [s], [z], [h] to s, z, h.
  4. Convert ts and dz to z, and tts and ddz to zz.

In other cases, automatic hyphenation will not be present, and any hyphenation must be given explicitly. An example is Musorgskij (Mussorgsky), pronounced as if written Mussòrski:


which produces

  • IPA(key): /musˈsɔr.ski/
  • Rhymes: -ɔrski
  • Hyphenation: Mu‧sòrg‧skij

If there are multiple respellings given, the hyphenations must all be listed at the end, e.g. for vacui (empty, vacant, masculine plural):


<references />

which produces

  • IPA(key): /ˈva.kwi/, (traditional) /ˈva.ku.i/[1]
  • Rhymes: -akwi, (traditional) -akui
  • Hyphenation: và‧cui, (traditional) và‧cu‧i


  1. ^ vacuo in Luciano Canepari, Dizionario di Pronuncia Italiana (DiPI)

Note here that multiple modifiers can be listed side by side, and hyphenations in turn can have their own modifiers added to specify qualifiers.



The allowed parameters are as follows:

|1=, |2=, ...
Specify a line of pronunciation; see above.
Explicitly specify the pagename, for testing purposes and for use on documentation pages.