This template generates inflection tables for adjectives with -ντ- stems, such as χαρίεις (kharíeis) and φωνήεις (phōnḗeis). It takes at least seven parameters:
- {{{1}}}: The stem, without ντ, with acute on the stem's penultimate syllable.
- {{{2}}}: The stem, without ντ, with acute on the stem's ultimate syllable.
- {{{3}}}: The stem, without ντ, with circumflex on the stems penultimate syllable if it is long; otherwise, same as {{{1}}}.
- {{{4}}}: The complete feminine stem with acute on the stem's penultimate syllable.
- {{{5}}}: The complete feminine stem with acute on the stem's ultimate syllable.
- {{{6}}}: The complete feminine stem with no accent.
- {{{MNS}}}: The masculine nominative singular form, which is irregular and must be manually entered.
Stems that may be incorrect include the masculine vocative singular ({{{MVS}}}), the masculine dative plural ({{{MDP}}}), and the neuter N/V/A singular. These should all be checked with the forms the template generates to ensure accuracy.