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Documentation for Template:fro-adj. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.



This template is used to generate the head word in bold, the inflected forms and categories for Old French adjectives. As with other part of speech templates, please do not use subst:. If you are uncomfortable with this template, please use {{head}}, our standard template for creating head words and categories.

In order to limit the number of forms displayed, i.e. to avoid displaying all 8 forms only the oblique masculine singular (the lemma and usually the page the template is used on) and the feminine singular (oblique and nominative). All 8 forms, or 12 including the neuter, can be displayed by using {{fro-decl-adj}} under the ====Declension==== header.

Should only be used on a form other than the oblique masculine singular when the oblique masculine singular is not attested (cadhuna falls into this category). All other forms, feminines, plurals and nominative forms should use {{head|fro|adjective forms}}.


  • |1= (optional)
    when given the value ?, it defaults to {{head|fro|adjective}} with no parameters, though |g= may still be specified for the gender.
    when given the value mf, this automatically sets the feminine to be the same as the pagename.
    otherwise, |1= or |f= specify a feminine form. The default is to use {{PAGENAME}}e as the feminine form.
  • |g= (optional) gender. Default value is m.
  • |f2= (optional) a second feminine form.
    Note that |f= can accept bracketed forms like [[longe]] or [[longue]] but this bolds the middle "or", while using |f2= does not.
  • |comp= (optional) a comparative form. No default value.
  • |sup= (optional) a superlative form. No default value.
  • |head= (optional) to use links in the head word (in bold) other than the default. Rarely used, should only be used to link to lemma instead of non-lemma forms.



novel m (oblique and nominative feminine singular novele)


enorable m (oblique and nominative feminine singular enorable)


fort m (oblique and nominative feminine singular fort or forte)


cadhuna f

Not available


Some parameters are not included because they would add extra complexity to the template and only be used in a few entries. These include nominative masculine singular, cat2 and cat3. These are all used in {{head}} for example in menor (permanent link). Nominative singular forms (and all other forms) can be displayed using {{fro-decl-adj}}

See also
