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Documentation for Template:enPR. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.



This template is for phonemic transcriptions in the Appendix:English pronunciation (enPR) system, for use in the pronunciation section of entries.

For instance, the entry for cat includes:


which yields: enPR: kăt


  • Do not use diagonal strokes (/.../): enPR is a phonemic transcription system, so they are redundant, and confusing to the intended audience.

See also



|1=, |2=, |3=, |4= ...
Indicates one or more pronunciations. They will be displayed separated by commas.
Specifies a qualifier to be placed at the beginning, before the "enPR:" text that normally precedes the pronunciation(s). This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.
Specifies a qualifier to be placed at the end, after all pronunciations. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.
Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed at the beginning, before the "enPR:" text that normally precedes the pronunciation(s). These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template. To be recognized as a separator, there must be no space following the comma; otherwise, the comma is treated as an embedded comma within the accent qualifier.
Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed at the end, after all pronunciations. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template. To be recognized as a separator, there must be no space following the comma; otherwise, the comma is treated as an embedded comma within the accent qualifier.
Specifies a qualifier to be placed before pronunciation N. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.
Specifies a qualifier to be placed after pronunciation N. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.
Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed before pronunciation N. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template. To be recognized as a separator, there must be no space following the comma; otherwise, the comma is treated as an embedded comma within the accent qualifier.
Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed after pronunciation N. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template. To be recognized as a separator, there must be no space following the comma; otherwise, the comma is treated as an embedded comma within the accent qualifier.


This is the TemplateData documentation for this template used by VisualEditor and other tools.

TemplateData for enPR

demarcates one or more accepted pronunciations of a term in phonemic transcriptions of the enPR system, for use in the pronunciation section of entries. For more information, see [[Appendix:English Pronunciation]]

Template parameters[Edit template data]

This template prefers inline formatting of parameters.

transcription 11

first possible transcribed pronunciation

transcription 22

second possible transcribed pronunciation

transcription 33

third possible transcribed pronunciation

overall left qualifierq

Specifies a qualifier to be placed at the very beginning. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.

overall right qualifierqq

Specifies a qualifier to be placed at the very end. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.

overall left accent qualifier(s)a

Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed at the very beginning. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template.

overall right accent qualifier(s)aa

Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed at the very end. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template.

left qualifier 1q1

Specifies a qualifier to be placed before pronunciation 1. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.

left qualifier 2q2

Specifies a qualifier to be placed before pronunciation 2. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.

left qualifier 3q3

Specifies a qualifier to be placed before pronunciation 3. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.

right qualifier 1qq1

Specifies a qualifier to be placed after pronunciation 1. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.

right qualifier 2qq2

Specifies a qualifier to be placed after pronunciation 2. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.

right qualifier 3qq3

Specifies a qualifier to be placed after pronunciation 3. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.

left accent qualifier(s) 1a1

Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed before pronunciation 1. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template.

left accent qualifier(s) 2a2

Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed before pronunciation 2. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template.

left accent qualifier(s) 3a3

Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed before pronunciation 3. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template.

right accent qualifier(s) 1aa1

Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed after pronunciation 1. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template.

right accent qualifier(s) 2aa2

Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed after pronunciation 2. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template.

right accent qualifier(s) 3aa3

Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed after pronunciation 3. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template.
