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Conjugation (colloquial)
colloquial forms
singular plural
first second third first second third
future {{{1}}}a i,
{{{1}}}af i
{{{1}}}i di {{{1}}}ith o/e/hi,
{{{1}}}iff e/hi
{{{1}}}wn ni {{{1}}}wch chi {{{1}}}an nhw
conditional {{{1}}}wn i,
{{{1}}}swn i
{{{1}}}et ti,
{{{1}}}set ti
{{{1}}}ai fo/fe/hi,
{{{1}}}sai fo/fe/hi
{{{1}}}en ni,
{{{1}}}sen ni
{{{1}}}ech chi,
{{{1}}}sech chi
{{{1}}}en nhw,
{{{1}}}sen nhw
preterite {{{1}}}ais i,
{{{1}}}es i
{{{1}}}aist ti,
{{{1}}}est ti
{{{1}}}odd o/e/hi {{{1}}}on ni {{{1}}}och chi {{{1}}}on nhw
imperative {{{1}}}a {{{1}}}wch

This template creates a conjugation table for verb forms in colloquial Welsh.




  • (stem) is the verb stem.
  • (override) is a parameter specifying a particular form that is different from the one automatically generated. The name of this parameter takes two parts: one of fut for future, cond for conditional, pret for preterite, or impr for imperative; a hyphen; and a number between 1 and 3 followed by s or pl. For example, the parameter fut-1pl= specifies a first-person plural future form.
  • (alternative) is parameter specifying an alternative form that is used in addition to the form specified by the override parameter. These parameters take the same names as the override parameters, followed by -b. For example, pret-1s-b= can be used to specify an alternative first-person singular preterite form.


{{cy-conj-colloquial|gwel}} yields:

Conjugation (colloquial)
colloquial forms
singular plural
first second third first second third
future gwela i,
gwelaf i
gweli di gwelith o/e/hi,
gweliff e/hi
gwelwn ni gwelwch chi gwelan nhw
conditional gwelwn i,
gwelswn i
gwelet ti,
gwelset ti
gwelai fo/fe/hi,
gwelsai fo/fe/hi
gwelen ni,
gwelsen ni
gwelech chi,
gwelsech chi
gwelen nhw,
gwelsen nhw
preterite gwelais i,
gweles i
gwelaist ti,
gwelest ti
gwelodd o/e/hi gwelon ni gweloch chi gwelon nhw
imperative gwela gwelwch

{{cy-conj-colloquial|na|fut-1s=na |fut-2s=nei |fut-3s=neith |fut-3s-b=naiff |fut-2pl=newch |fut-3pl=nân |cond-3s=nâi |pret-1s=nes |pret-2s=nest |pret-3s=naeth |pret-1pl=naethon |pret-2pl=naethoch |pret-3pl=naethon |impr-2s=gwna |impr-2pl=gwnewch}} yields:

Conjugation (colloquial)
colloquial forms
singular plural
first second third first second third
future na i nei di neith o/e/hi,
naiff o/e/hi
nawn ni newch chi nân nhw
conditional nawn i,
naswn i
naet ti,
naset ti
nâi fo/fe/hi naen ni,
nasen ni
naech chi,
nasech chi
naen nhw,
nasen nhw
preterite nes i nest ti naeth o/e/hi naethon ni naethoch chi naethon nhw
imperative gwna gwnewch