Template:RQ:ga:Inghean an Cheannaidhe/documentation
This template creates a reference to the story “Inghean an Cheannaidhe” at the Multilingual Wikisource.
The parameters are as follows:
the page number of Description d’un parler irlandais de Kerry (the book in which the story appears) on which the quote is found|text=
the quote itself|t=
the translation of the quote|lit=
a literal translation
#* {{RQ:ga:Inghean an Cheannaidhe|196|text=« Feuch, a chaptaen », ar sise, « do leanbhín '''gleóidhte''' ». |t=“Look, Captain,” she said, “your beautiful baby.”}}
- 1939, Peig Sayers, “Inghean an Cheannaidhe”, in Marie-Louise Sjoestedt, Description d’un parler irlandais de Kerry (Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études; 270) (overall work in French), Paris: Librairie Honoré Champion, page 196:
- « Feuch, a chaptaen », ar sise, « do leanbhín gleóidhte ».
- “Look, Captain,” she said, “your beautiful baby.”