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Template:RQ:Chapman Byron/documentation

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Documentation for Template:RQ:Chapman Byron. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.



This template may be used in Wiktionary entries to format quotations from George Chapman's work The Conspiracie, and Tragedie of Charles Duke of Byron, Marshall of France (1st edition, 1608). It can be used to create a link to an online version of the work at the Internet Archive:



The template takes the following parameters:

  • |chapter= – if quoting from one of chapters indicated in the second column of the following table, give the parameter the value indicated in the first column:
Parameter value Result
Dedication To My Honorable and Constant Friend, Sir Tho[mas] Walsingham, Knight: And to My Much Loued from His Birth, the Right Toward and Worthy Gentleman His Sonne Thomas Walsingham, Esquire
Prologus Prologus
  • |1= or |page=mandatory: as the work is unpaginated, use this parameter to specify the "page number" assigned by the Internet Archive ("IA") to the URL of the webpage to be linked to. For example, if the URL is https://archive.org/details/conspiracietrage00chap/page/n10/mode/1up, specify |page=10. This parameter must be specified to have the template determine whether Conspiracie or Tragedie is quoted from, and the act number (I–V), and to link to the online version of the work.
  • |act=mandatory in some cases: in most cases, if the page is specified the template will determine the act quoted from. It is unable to do so if IA page 23, 34, 49, 55, 95, or 109 is specified, in which the act number must be specified using this parameter, like this: |act=I.
The Conspiracie of Charles, Duke of Byron, Marshall of France
Act I
IA pages 10–23
Act II
IA pages 23–34
IA pages 34–49
Act IV
IA pages 49–55
Act V
IA pages 55–67
The Tragedie of Charles, Duke of Byron
Acts I and II*
IA pages 70–83
IA pages 84–95
Act IV
IA pages 95–109
Act V
IA pages 109–135
* As the original production of the play offended Antoine Lefèvre de la Boderie, the French Ambassador to the Court of King James I of England, some passages were censored out of the published play. As one of them (probably relating to the Queen of France slapping the face of her husband's mistress) was at the start of Act II, it is no longer clear where Act I ends and Act II starts.
  • |sig= or |signature=, and |verso=|sig= or |signature= can be used to specify the signature number quoted from, which is indicated at the bottom centre of some pages. If quoting from a verso (left-hand) page specify |verso=1 or |verso=yes; if |verso= is omitted, the template indicates that a recto (right-hand) page is quoted.
    • If a signature number is not indicated on a page, extrapolate it from the signature numbers before and after the page and enclose it in brackets using [ and ] For example, if the previous signature number is A3 and the next one is B, specify the missing signature number as |sig=[A4].
    • If quoting a range of signatures, for example, "signatures B, verso – B2, recto", use |sig= or |signature=, and |verso=, to specify the signature at the start of the range, and |sigend= or |signatureend=, and |versoend=, (if required) to specify the signature at the end of the range.
    • If this parameter is omitted, the template links the URL of the online version of the work to the act number.
  • |2=, |text=, or |passage= – the passage to be quoted.
  • |footer= – a comment on the passage quoted.
  • |brackets= – use |brackets=on to surround a quotation with brackets. This indicates that the quotation either contains a mere mention of a term (for example, "some people find the word manoeuvre hard to spell") rather than an actual use of it (for example, "we need to manoeuvre carefully to avoid causing upset"), or does not provide an actual instance of a term but provides information about related terms.


Signature specified
  • Wikitext:
    • {{RQ:Chapman Byron|sig=[Q4]|page=128|passage=[A]s a ''[[savage#Adjective|Sauadge]]'' [[boar|Bore]] that (hunted longe, / Aſſayld and ſet vp) vvith his onely eyes, / Svvimming in fire keepes of the baying hounds, / Though ſunke himſelfe, yet houlds his anger vp, / And '''ſnovves''' it forth in foame; {{...}} So fares the furious Duke, and vvith his lookes, / Doth teach death horrors; {{...}}}} (the template can determine the act number); or
    • {{RQ:Chapman Byron|sig=[Q4]|128|[A]s a ''[[savage#Adjective|Sauadge]]'' [[boar|Bore]] that (hunted longe, / Aſſayld and ſet vp) vvith his onely eyes, / Svvimming in fire keepes of the baying hounds, / Though ſunke himſelfe, yet houlds his anger vp, / And '''ſnovves''' it forth in foame; {{...}} So fares the furious Duke, and vvith his lookes, / Doth teach death horrors; {{...}}}}
  • Result:
Signature not specified
  • Wikitext: {{RQ:Chapman Byron|page=128|passage=[A]s a ''[[savage#Adjective|Sauadge]]'' [[boar|Bore]] that (hunted longe, / Aſſayld and ſet vp) vvith his onely eyes, / Svvimming in fire keepes of the baying hounds, / Though ſunke himſelfe, yet houlds his anger vp, / And '''ſnovves''' it forth in foame; {{...}} So fares the furious Duke, and vvith his lookes, / Doth teach death horrors; {{...}}}}
  • Result: