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The following information has failed Wiktionary's verification process.
Failure to be verified means that insufficient eligible citations of this usage have been found, and the entry therefore does not meet Wiktionary inclusion criteria at the present time. We have archived here the disputed information, the verification discussion, and any documentation gathered so far, pending further evidence.
Do not re-add this information to the article without also submitting proof that it meets Wiktionary's criteria for inclusion.
(Notifying Leasnam, Lambiam, Urszag, Hundwine): See [1]. The whole evidence for this is a single example of wylcþ glossed as "raptat", which is taken to be a misprint in both languages for wyleþ glossed as "captat". It's quite a stretch to assume a strong class 3 verb welwan from this. I think we should delete this entirely. Benwing2 (talk) 02:05, 5 December 2019 (UTC)
- RFV-deleted. —Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds 22:23, 28 March 2020 (UTC)