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Talk:third degree

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Latest comment: 4 years ago by Slashme in topic Masonry



In Freemasonry, at least historically, the modes of recognition & some other parts were never written down, & passed on only orally to the new Mason in three degrees. For each degree there are parts to be memorized by the new candidate, a test of said information given by the other brethren, and the next degree conferred with the extensive use of allegory (imagine a play, perhaps Shakespear). For each degree the memory work became much more extensive, & the plays longer & more dramatic. With the Third Degree, both the test and the allegory are so poignant that this termm came into existence.

"how'd your interview go?"

"hoo-boy, I really got the third degree..."


This isn't correct. It's from torture. See for example The History of the Inquisition:

In the next Pragraph, Et Audivi, he gives a more diſtinct Explication of this Matter, and reckons up three Degrees of Torture. The firſt is to terrify, which comprehends not only Threatenings to Torture, but being carried to the Place of Torments, the being ſtripped and bound; …

Also see The Martyrs of the Spanish Inquisition:

The third degree of torture was the fire, and was as it were applied at the last moment, when it was impossible to force the accused to confess by applying the two tortures describe above.

--Slashme (talk) 07:33, 16 February 2021 (UTC)Reply