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Latest comment: 9 years ago by Gianfranco

A discussion is currently open on the user's talk, here --Gianfranco (talk) 14:42, 25 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

Etymology= coined by an elementary school boy


Not sure how adding information to the main page would work on Wiktionary, since I primarily edit Wikipedia, but something should be noted about how this ISN'T a run-of-the-mill Italian word, but got "coined" by an honest mistake that a first grader made. Here are several sources:

  • BBC: www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-35653871
  • NPR: www.npr.org/2016/03/04/469149247/italian-schoolboy-invents-new-word
  • Italian-language source discussing it: www.corriere.it/scuola/16_febbraio_24/ferrara-copparo-piccolo-matteo-inventa-parola-petaloso-accademia-crusca-risponde-7296e148-dac9-11e5-956c-6f7e55711737.shtml