Talk:khoả thân
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Latest comment: 7 years ago by Wyang
@PhanAnh123 Can I ask which dictionary for Sino-Vietnamese readings you usually use? Hán Việt Từ Điển Trích Dẫn lists both lỏa and khỏa for 裸. 倮 is a variant of the same character, but it is now mostly obsolete. Wyang (talk) 13:35, 17 January 2018 (UTC)
- This site, anyway we should go with the character(s) that the lemma(s) derived from, even if the character(s) is/are obsolete.PhanAnh123 (talk)
- @PhanAnh123 Alright, thanks!
- 倮 and 裸 (meaning “naked”) are basically the same character in Chinese, with an identical pronunciation of:
- Old Chinese /*ɡ·roːlʔ/ > Middle Chinese /luɑX/ > Modern l- initial in various dialects.
- The kh- initial in Vietnamese is unusual; either Vietnamese (very impressively) retains the original Old Chinese presyllable /*ɡ·/, or it is a result of contamination by 果 (quả) or another meaning of 倮. For some reason the SV for the two characters are not identical when meaning “naked”: 裸 (lỏa ?and khỏa), and 倮 (khỏa). I think it is okay to list 倮身 as the etymology; I created the page. Let me know if you have more thoughts on this. Wyang (talk) 13:56, 17 January 2018 (UTC)
I think 'khoả' is vietnamese native word with the meaning expose, uncover meanwhile 'loã' is sino vietnamese word with the same meaning. 'khoả' pronunciation for this word '裹' meaning cover, contrasting with native vietnamese word, so some suggest using 'khoã' pronunciation.