Add topicItalian "apallage" means something else?
[edit]I am removing apallage from the Italian translations: the Italian definitions/descriptions I can find suggest that it does not mean (English) hypallage.
- On Italian Wikipedia we read:
- L'apallage è una figura retorica consistente nell'alterazione dell'ordine logico della successione dei concetti. Viene dal greco ἀπαλλάσσω (io separo).
- Esempi
- Vorrei, ma non è possibile, spiegarti la situazione.
- L'Italia! Mi hanno accusato di averla chiamata vile! E non ricordarono (se non fosse troppo innocente ed ingenuo appellarsi alla memoria degli avversari) e non ricordarono, per un verso. - (Carducci)
- As I understand it this says Apallage is a figure of speech in which the ordering of concepts departs from the logical order, which is not hypallage.
- On [1] we read:
- (Apallage) consiste nell’interrompere la sequenza sintattica della frase introducendo un concetto diverso (solitamente con una proposizione incidentale).
- «Sono così belli, si colorano di teneri sguardi, i tuoi occhi allegri»
- As I understand it this says that it means interrupting the grammatical sequence with a different concept, typically an incidental assertion; [2] agrees.
- (Apallage) consiste nell’interrompere la sequenza sintattica della frase introducendo un concetto diverso (solitamente con una proposizione incidentale).
- [3], [4], [5] and others say it can mean either of these devices.
What I failed to find out is what the English is for these figures of speech. (Incidentally, [6] and others says that German Apallage means release from suffering, cure or emptying; [7] says it means the same in Dutch and [8] and other older Italian dictionaries also mention this (medical) sense in Italian. In The Forensic Stage: Settling Disputes in Graeco-Roman New Comedy by Adele C. Scafuro it appears to mean a form of agreement in ancient Greece, related to aphesis. Απαλλαγή in Greek Wiktionary gives exemption, acquittal and (military) discharge.) PJTraill (talk) 11:15, 8 November 2017 (UTC)
Chambers says hypallage involves exchange
[edit]The 13th edition of Chambers says that hypallage is not just a single transference of epithet, but an exchange, as in pouring wind and gusting rain. PJTraill (talk) 11:15, 8 November 2017 (UTC)
He nodded his agreeing head
[edit]HYPALLAGE: a figure of speech in which the usual relations of words/phrases are interchanged, e.g. "He nodded his agreeing head."