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Talk:chʼil bílátah hózhóón

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Latest comment: 14 years ago by Stephen G. Brown in topic Alternate term?

Shorter term?


Is there really no shorter term for flower in Navajo? It's such a common item and such a long term. 20:02, 9 June 2010 (UTC)Reply

This is not so long for a Navajo term. There are shorter words for some specific flowers, such as chǫǫh (rose), tłʼéʼiigáhí (evening primrose), tsídídééh (purple four o’clock), dahiitį́hídą́ą́ʼtsoh (Indian paintbrush), ndíyílii (sunflower), tsédédééh (violet). —Stephen (Talk) 16:22, 10 December 2010 (UTC)Reply

Alternate term?


Is chʼil látah hózhóón an alternate term? 03:56, 17 October 2010 (UTC)Reply

Yes. —Stephen (Talk) 16:27, 10 December 2010 (UTC)Reply