Add topicKuei-yu, Kuei-hsü-hsü

Alternative forms/synonyms exploration: (GEOnet has nothing but Hanyu Pinyin)
(1) Google Books OCR gives us "...rice plants guaranteed . of all circles in Kuei - yu Commune in Chao - yane lisien , a historically flooded the Chinese ca ital held a large celebration..."
on an oddly oriented page from the Translations on People's Republic of China (1962) work,
which I might interpret as three separate lines that have been mashed together due to the OCR issues:
"rice plants guaranteed, /
/ of all circles in Kuei-yu Commune in Chao-yang hisen, a historically flooded /
/ the Chinese capital held a large"
If I could clearly make out a sentence or phrase here, this source seems promising as an example quotation for the Guiyu entry, of course brackets=on since it's a different spelling.
(2) The two maps here give us
Kuei-hsü-hsü 貴嶼墟 (Guixuxu). I would guess that Kuei-hsü could also be a name in the literature somewhere.
--Geographyinitiative (talk) 21:55, 6 July 2021 (UTC) (modified)