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Latest comment: 7 years ago by Justinrleung in topic 鬱?
[edit]@Wyang I don't think this is used. 鬱 is wat1 in Cantonese. — justin(r)leung { (t...) | c=› } 04:48, 23 May 2017 (UTC)
- Also 郁郁寡歡. — justin(r)leung { (t...) | c=› } 04:50, 23 May 2017 (UTC)
- Ah, I didn't notice the juk1 here. It may be two words: fuk1 wat1 and fuk1 juk1. Re 郁郁寡歡: there are many results on Google Books. Wyang (talk) 05:01, 23 May 2017 (UTC)
- @Wyang: I've looked through most of the results for 郁郁寡歡, and they're all e-books. It's only 30 results for me (even though Google says "about 284 results"). I feel like they are either simplified-to-traditional errors and/or errors due to homophony in Mandarin. As for fuk1 wat1 and fuk1 juk1, it doesn't seem plausible. 芬芳馥鬱 seems wrong. — justin(r)leung { (t...) | c=› } 05:16, 23 May 2017 (UTC)
- You may be correct about 郁郁寡歡. I don't think 馥鬱 is wrong. 鬱 also meant 'fragrant/fragrance', and there are many cites on Wikisource and Google Books. Wyang (talk) 05:24, 23 May 2017 (UTC)
- @Wyang Here's the list from Chinese Wikisource (not including gibberish):
Title Author (Era/Year) Base text 馥鬱 or 馥郁 s:zh:嘉會節宰相謝酒食表 錢珝 (唐) [1] 馥郁 s:zh:「音樂」? 魯迅 (1924) ? ? s:zh:金剛證驗賦 延壽 (唐) [2] 馥郁 s:zh:婦人觀 陳獨秀 (trans., 1915) ? ? s:zh:二十四尊得道羅漢傳 (13, 17, 19) 朱星祚 (明) [3][4][5][6] 馥郁 s:zh:本業寺記 契撫 (唐) [7] 馥郁 s:zh:西漢演義/032 甄偉 (明) [8] 馥郁 s:zh:天壇王屋山聖跡序 杜光庭 (唐) [9] 馥郁 s:zh:七真因果傳/29 ? (清) (not base text) [10] 馥郁 s:zh:大唐秦王詞話 (9, 38, 63) 諸聖鄰 (明) [11][12] 馥郁 s:zh:巫山艷史/第04回 ? (清) ? ? s:zh:隔簾花影 (26, 33) ? (清) [13][14] 馥郁 s:zh:大宋中興通俗演義/75 熊大木 (明) [15] 馥郁 s:zh:大唐常州江陰縣興建寺碑銘(並序) 郁群老 (唐) [16] 馥郁 s:zh:金蓮仙史 (13, 22) 潘昶 (清) [17] 馥郁 s:zh:淞隱漫錄 (9, 13, 59, 65, 97) 王韜 (清) ? ? s:zh:兩漢開國中興傳志/02 黃化宇 (明) [18] 馥郁 s:zh:新石頭記/第22回 吳趼人 (清) ? ? s:zh:咒棗記 (6, 12) 鄧志謨 (明) [19][20] 馥郁 s:zh:隋史遺文/04 袁於令 (明) [21] 馥郁 s:zh:大漢韶州雲門山大覺禪寺大慈雲匡聖宏明大師碑銘(並序) 陳守中 (唐) [22] 馥郁 s:zh:廣東新語/卷28 屈大均 (清) [23] 馥郁 s:zh:與達奚侍郎書 張楚 (唐) [24] 馥郁 s:zh:鐵花仙史 (4, 23) 雲封山人編次 (清) [25][26] 馥郁 s:zh:泣紅亭 (5, 7, 11) 尹湛納希 (清) ? ? s:zh:山水情/第03回 ? (明) [27] 馥郁 s:zh:玉樓春 (白雲道人)/第21回 白雲道人 (清) [28] not found s:zh:補紅樓夢/第四十三回 嫏嬛山樵 (清) [29] 馥郁 s:zh:續東窗事犯傳 吳敬所 (明) [30] 馥郁 s:zh:仙俠五花劍/第二十八回 海上劍痴 (清) [31] 馥郁 s:zh:花影集/卷14 陶輔 (明) ? ? s:zh:西湖二集 (22, 23, 25, 30) 周清原 (明) [32][33][34][35] 馥𣡸 (22), 馥郁 (23, 25, 30) s:zh:豔異編續集 (7, 13, 14) 王世貞 (明) ? ? s:zh:清平山堂話本/03 洪楩 (明) [36] 馥郁 s:zh:錦香亭/第13回 古吳素庵主人 (清) [37] 馥郁 s:zh:喻世明言/第32卷 馮夢龍 (明) [38] 馥郁 s:zh:安士全書/西歸直指/卷一 周安士 (清) [39] 馥郁 s:zh:艮嶽記 張淏 (宋) [40] 馥郁 s:zh:雲蕉館紀談 孔邇 (明) [41] 馥郁 s:zh:綠野仙蹤/07 李百川 (清) [42] 馥郁 s:zh:七修類稿/卷11 郎瑛 (明) [43] 馥郁 s:zh:蜀檮杌/卷下 張唐英 (北宋) [44] 馥郁 s:zh:剪燈餘話 李禎 (明) [45][46] (missing one instance) 馥郁 s:zh:水滸後傳/第40回 陳忱 (明) [47] 馥郁 s:zh:野叟曝言 (32, 49, 93, 146) 夏敬渠 (清) [48][49][50][51] 馥郁 s:zh:歷世真仙體道通鑑 (40, 50) 趙道一 (元) [52][53] 馥郁 s:zh:海國圖志/卷028 魏源 (清) [54] 馥郁 s:zh:西湖佳話 (3, 11) 墨浪子 (清) [55][56] 馥郁 s:zh:漢姆萊脫 (1, 5) unknown translation ? ? s:zh:皇華紀聞/3 王士禛 (清) [57] 馥郁 s:zh:今古奇觀 (16, 36, 38) 抱甕老人 (明) [58][59] (missing one instance) 馥郁 s:zh:歷世真仙體道通鑑續編/3 趙道一 (元) [60] 馥郁 s:zh:有學集/05 錢謙益 (清) [61] 馥郁 s:zh:靈棋經 東方朔 (漢) [62] 馥郁 s:zh:詳刑公案/3 寧靜子 (清) [63] 馥郁 s:zh:太平廣記/卷第085 李昉 (宋) [64] 馥郁 s:zh:初學集/10 錢謙益 (明) [65] 馥郁 s:zh:古今律條公案/4 陳玉秀 (明) [66] 馥郁 s:zh:再生緣/第二回 陳端生, 梁德繩, 侯芝 (清) [67] 馥郁 s:zh:海國春秋/33 汪寄 (清) [68] 馥郁 s:zh:庸閑齋筆記/05 陳其元 (清) [69] 馥郁 s:zh:日下舊聞考/卷021 于敏中等 (清) [70] 馥郁 s:zh:茶餘客話/卷19 阮葵生 (清) [71] 馥郁 s:zh:揚州畫舫錄/04 李斗 (清) [72] 馥郁 s:zh:劉生覓蓮記/上 吳敬所 (明) [73] 馥郁 s:zh:琵琶記 高明 (元) [74] 馥郁 s:zh:西遊記·第五本 楊景賢 (元) ? ? s:zh:悟真直指/卷四 ? [75] 馥郁 s:zh:漸悟集 馬鈺 (元) [76] 馥郁 s:zh:續資治通鑑長編 (四庫全書本)/卷001 ? [77] 馥鬱 s:zh:文憲集 (四庫全書本)/卷31 ? [78] 馥鬱 s:zh:鐘呂傳道集 ? [79] 馥郁 s:zh:風流悟/第八回 坐花散人 (清) [80] 馥郁 s:zh:螢窗異草 (1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10) 長白浩歌子 (清) [81] 馥郁 s:zh:國朝宮史 (14, 15) 于敏中, 王際華, 裘曰修 (清) [82][83] 馥郁 s:zh:傳燈錄/17 道原 (北宋) [84] 馥郁 s:zh:香艷叢書/39 (海棠譜) 錢塘陳思 (宋) [85] 馥郁 s:zh:宋史全文 (四庫全書本)/卷01 ? [86] 馥鬱 s:zh:蓬窗日錄/卷7 陳全之 (明) [87] 馥郁 s:zh:東南紀聞 ? (元) [88] 馥郁 s:zh:西征隨筆 汪景祺 (清) [89] 馥郁 s:zh:搜神秘覽 章炳文 (宋) [90] 馥𩡏 s:zh:姑妄言 (1, 4, 5, 12, 23) 曹去晶 (清) ? ? s:zh:情史類略 (14, 20) 馮夢龍 (明) [91][92] 馥郁 s:zh:達摩出身傳燈傳 朱開泰 (明) [93] 馥郁 s:zh:宋稗類鈔 (2, 7) 潘永因 (清) [94][95] 馥郁 s:zh:香艷叢書/50 (珠江名花小傳) 支機生 (清) ? ? s:zh:白兔記 ? (明) [96] 馥鬱 s:zh:香艷叢書/9 (影梅庵憶語) 如皋冒襄辟疆 (清) [97] 馥郁 s:zh:香艷叢書/19 (香本紀) 延陵吳從先 (明) ? ? s:zh:香艷叢書/20 (餘墨偶談) 燕山孫樗詩樵 (清) ? ? s:zh:香艷叢書/32 (至正妓人行) 廬陵李禎昌棋 (明) ? ? s:zh:香艷叢書/66 (吳門畫舫錄) 西溪山人 (清) [98] 馥郁 s:zh:湛淵靜語 白珽 (元) [99] 馥郁 s:zh:香艷叢書/49 (s:zh:冬青館古宮詞) 鳥程張鑒秋水 (清) [100] 馥郁 s:zh:張氏卮言 張皋亭? ? ? s:zh:卜皂山誌 ? ? ? s:zh:香艷叢書/7 (十國宮詞) 南匯吳省蘭泉之 (清) [101] 馥郁 s:zh:二老堂雜誌 周必大 (南宋) [102] 馥郁 s:zh:御定歴代賦彚 (四庫全書本)/補遺卷21 ? [103] 馥鬱 s:zh:麻姑山誌 ? ? ? s:zh:揮麈後錄 王明清 (宋) [104] 馥𩡏 s:zh:張協狀元 ? ? ? s:zh:香艷叢書/26 (文海披沙摘錄) 晉安謝肇淛在杭 (明) ? ? s:zh:蔡伯喈琵琶記 高明 (元) [105] 馥郁 s:zh:聞見偶錄 朱象賢 (清) [106] 馥郁 s:zh:析津誌輯佚 熊夢祥 (元) [107] 馥郁 s:zh:國朝宮史續編 慶桂 (清) [108] 馥郁 s:zh:香山寶卷 普明禪師 [109] 馥𩡏 s:zh:續眉廬叢話 況周頤 (清) ? ? s:zh:浪跡叢談 梁章鉅 (清) [110] 馥郁 s:zh:湖海新聞夷堅續誌 ? [111] 馥郁 s:zh:香艷叢書/47 (百花園夢記) ? ? ? s:zh:古今類傳 董谷士 (清) ? ? s:zh:女聊齋誌異 賈茗 (清) ? ?
- As you can see, the majority do not actually use 鬱. The few that use 馥鬱 are mostly in 四庫全書. — justin(r)leung { (t...) | c=› } 06:29, 24 May 2017 (UTC)
- Wow, thanks. It seems it may be reasonable to move it to 馥郁, and list 馥鬱 as an alt-form? Wyang (talk) 06:32, 24 May 2017 (UTC)
- @Wyang: 馥郁 must be the main form. 馥鬱 could either be alt-form or misspelling. In Google Books, I'm getting 30 hits for 馥鬱 with preview available, and half the results look like ebooks derived from Wikisource (or wherever Wikisource got the texts from). — justin(r)leung { (t...) | c=› } 06:58, 24 May 2017 (UTC)
- I'm happy with moving to 馥郁, but I think 馥鬱 should be an alt-form, based on the ctext attestations above (unless they are erroneous). Wyang (talk) 07:09, 24 May 2017 (UTC)
- Alright, Done. — justin(r)leung { (t...) | c=› } 07:21, 24 May 2017 (UTC)