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Latest comment: 2 years ago by Justinrleung in topic RFD discussion: July 2020–May 2022

The following information passed a request for deletion (permalink).
This discussion is no longer live and is left here as an archive. Please do not modify this conversation, but feel free to discuss its conclusions.
SoP. RcAlex36 (talk) 09:07, 27 July 2020 (UTC)
- hmmm Troll Control (talk) 21:02, 1 August 2020 (UTC)
- Comment. Not in any of the major Chinese dictionaries, but seems to act as a verb inasmuch as we categorize them on Wiktionary. 拉薩市的居民紛紛走到室外暫避。官員們表示,超過13,000人不得不從火山周邊撤離,暫避在附近的難民營。正在開會的國會議員感到建築物搖晃,走到停車場暫避,15分鐘後返回會議廳。---> Tooironic (talk) 23:27, 4 August 2020 (UTC)
- Leaning towards a delete, but not sure. — justin(r)leung { (t...) | c=› } 03:17, 13 August 2020 (UTC)
- Weak keep —Suzukaze-c (talk) 04:58, 14 November 2021 (UTC)
- RFD kept (no consensus). — justin(r)leung { (t...) | c=› } 15:54, 6 May 2022 (UTC)