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Latest comment: 3 months ago by Ywhy in topic Etymology
[edit]漢 荀悅《漢紀·宣帝紀一》:「捶楚之下,何求而不得。故囚人不勝痛,則飾辭㠯視之。吏治者利其然,則指道㠯明之。上奏畏卻,則鍛練而周內之。」 With regard to 指道, I can't help to read between the lines: detainers appoint [the statement] and divert [the testimony into a complete fabrication] 參見「道言」「道諛」。又有「導諛」「導非」。然則指謫並導非乎。 漢 荀悅《申鑒·雜言上》:「人臣有三罪:一曰導非,二曰阿失,三曰尸寵。以非引上謂之導,從上之非謂之阿,見非不言謂之尸。導臣誅,阿臣刑,尸臣絀。」
Given the above, the interpretation and translation of the quoted passage under Etymology could use further investigation. -- Ywhy (talk) 11:12, 29 October 2024 (UTC)