Add topics2=执著|s=执着 or s=执著|s2=执着
[edit]@Justinrleung, Mar vin kaiser Checked some of the statements in this article. The replacement for 增补本 came out in 2005 (第5版), so I imagine that if the author was 100% up-to-date, the article was written between 2004 (first edition of 现代汉语规范词典) and 2005. By 2012, 现代汉语词典第6版 page 1670 switched the 正条 from 执著 to 执着, so if the article was written after that then it was really behind the times.
"而《现代汉语规范词典》在“执著”的释义后也明确标明“不宜写作‘执着’”。" (This statement is NOT true of 现代汉语规范词典3 page 1689; may be true of earlier editions?)
"《辞海》{...}只收“执著”而未收“执着”" (Still holds true in the sixth edition of Cihai, but 辞海第6版 page 2938 does say, "亦作“执着”。".)
"《现代汉语词典》(增补本)既收“执着”又收“执着”,但{...}是以“执著”为正条。" (Correct, 现代汉语词典2002年增补本(第4版)page 1614 does say, "执着 zhízhuó 同 '执著'。".)
"以“执着”取代“执著”的趋势。 " maybe so given changes in new editions of Xiandai Hanyu Cidian
Dictionaries that would support s2=执著|s=执着:
现代汉语词典第7版 2016 page 1680
现代汉语词典第6版 2012 page 1670
Dictionaries that would support s=执著|s2=执着:
现代汉语规范词典第3版 2014 page 1689
辞海第6版 2009 page 2938
现代汉语词典第5版 2005 page 1748
现代汉语词典2002年增补本(第4版)page 1614
Dictionaries with only 执著 and no 执着
现代汉语词典试用本 1965 page 1322
第一批异形词整理表 doesn't touch on this
--Geographyinitiative (talk) 13:48, 5 December 2018 (UTC)
One last thing- 现代汉语规范词典3 page 1689 has "执着 zhízhuó 现在一般写作“执著”。" --Geographyinitiative (talk) 13:51, 5 December 2018 (UTC)