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Roche lobe

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Named after Édouard Roche.



Roche lobe (plural Roche lobes)

  1. (astronomy) The teardrop-shaped region around a star in a binary system within which orbiting material is gravitationally bound to that star.
    • 2002, Juhan Frank, Andrew King, Derek Raine, Accretion Power in Astrophysics, page 54:
      A further interesting situation (although not one of much relevance for this book) comes about if both stars for some reason fill their Roche lobes simultaneously.
    • 2012, C. de Loore, C. Doom, Structure and Evolution of Single and Binary Stars, page 386:
      Generally, mass transfer by Roche lobe overflow is required to power LMXRB's, since low mass stars never exhibit strong stellar winds.
    • 2013, Josef Kallrath, Eugene F. Milone, Eclipsing Binary Stars: Modeling and Analysis, page 85:
      If only one component accurately fills its Roche lobe the system is semi-detached. If neither fills its Roche lobe, it is detached.