[edit]enPR: -ĕtĭk, IPA(key): /-ɛtɪk/, /-EtIk/
[edit]- In accents with flapping, words pronounced /-ɛdɪk/ are also rhymes for words on this page, and words ending in -acetic may be pronounced to rhyme with words on this page.
[edit]Two syllables
[edit]Three syllables
[edit]- aesthetic, esthetic
- frenetic, phrenetic
- algetic
- anetic
- aphetic
- ascetic
- athletic
- auletic
- auxetic
- balletic
- bathetic
- cometic
- cosmetic
- dietic
- dipsetic
- docetic (one pronunciation)
- dysthetic
- eidetic
- emetic
- enthetic
- fimetic
- gametic (one pronunciation)
- Gangetic
- genetic
- goetic
- graphetic
- Hamletic
- hebetic
- Helvetic
- hermetic
- herpetic
- heuretic
- Japhetic
- Kemetic
- kennetic
- kinetic
- limnetic
- luetic
- magnetic
- mathetic
- memetic
- mimetic
- morphetic
- noetic
- nouthetic
- ochletic
- Ossetic
- pagetic
- paretic
- pathetic
- pedetic
- phenetic
- phonetic
- phoretic
- phyletic
- planetic
- poetic
- poietic
- prophetic
- prosthetic
- prothetic
- pyretic
- rebetic
- scabetic
- sonnetic
- splenetic
- syncretic (one pronunciation)
- syndetic
- synthetic
- tabetic
- threnetic
- Tibetic
- tmetic
- tonetic
- Tourettic
- toyetic
- uretic
- Venetic
- zetetic
- zoetic
Four syllables
[edit]- anaesthetic, anesthetic
- aphaeretic, apheretic
- cenesthetic, coenesthetic
- co-genetic, cogenetic
- copacetic, copasetic, copesetic, copesettic, kopasetic
- diaeretic, dieretic
- dysaesthetic, dysesthetic
- inaesthetic, inesthetic
- kinaesthetic, kinesthetic
- Masoretic, Massoretic
- non-aesthetic, nonaesthetic, nonesthetic
- non-magnetic, nonmagnetic
- non-mimetic, nonmimetic
- paraenetic, parenetic
- paraesthetic, paresthetic
- phonaesthetic, phonesthetic
- somaesthetic, somesthetic
- synaesthetic, synesthetic
- unaesthetic, unesthetic
- abietic
- acinetic
- agametic
- agenetic
- akinetic
- aloetic
- alphabetic
- alphametic
- amuletic
- analgetic
- anchoretic
- anoetic
- anoretic
- antemetic
- antithetic
- anuretic
- apathetic
- aporetic
- apyretic
- aquaretic
- arithmetic (adjective)
- asyndetic
- Baphometic
- biphyletic
- catechetic
- catheretic
- chloruretic
- choleretic
- Cisgangetic
- congenetic
- cophenetic
- cosmothetic
- cybernetic
- cynegetic
- diabetic
- dianetic
- diarrhetic (one pronunciation)
- diathetic
- diegetic
- dietetic
- digametic
- digenetic
- diploetic
- diuretic
- dyseidetic
- dyskinetic
- dyspathetic
- eisegetic
- empathetic
- emporetic
- encopretic
- energetic
- enuretic
- epaenetic
- epenthetic
- epithetic
- erotetic
- euphoretic
- exegetic
- geodetic
- heresthetic
- homiletic
- homothetic
- hyperthetic
- hypothetic
- hysteretic
- inergetic
- ischuretic
- kaluretic
- manganetic
- mesothetic
- metabletic
- metathetic
- monothetic
- nomothetic
- nonascetic
- nonathletic
- nongenetic
- nonphonetic
- nonpoetic
- nonsynthetic
- operettic
- pangenetic
- parathetic
- parenthetic
- phosphoretic
- polythetic
- postherpetic
- preprosthetic
- progenetic
- prokinetic
- protothetic
- quodlibetic
- rabietic
- saluretic
- scabietic
- schindyletic
- signaletic
- sovietic
- strategetic
- sympathetic
- synartetic
- synergetic
- syngenetic
- synkinetic
- syzygetic
- technoetic
- theoretic
- Transgangetic
- unathletic
- unpathetic
- unphonetic
- unpoetic
- unprophetic
Five syllables
[edit]- caenogenetic, cenogenetic, kenogenetic
- chylopoetic, chylopoietic
- epithumetic, epithymetic
- haemapoietic, haemopoietic, hemapoietic, hemopoietic
- hyperaesthetic, hyperesthetic
- leucopoietic, leukopoietic
- non-diegetic, nondiegetic
- nosopoetic, nosopoietic
- paedogenetic, pedogenetic
- postanaesthetic, postanesthetic
- preanaesthetic, preanesthetic
- tocogenetic, tokogenetic
- acrophonetic
- aeromagnetic
- agonothetic
- allogenetic
- allopathetic
- allosyndetic
- amphigenetic
- anachoretic
- anagenetic
- analphabetic
- anaphoretic
- androgenetic
- andromimetic
- anhysteretic
- antepyretic
- antiaesthetic
- anticosmetic
- antiemetic
- antiluetic
- antimagnetic
- antipathetic
- antipoetic
- antipyretic
- antisplenetic
- apologetic
- asynartetic
- autogenetic
- autokinetic
- autonoetic
- bathylimnetic
- betamimetic
- biocosmetic
- biogenetic
- biokinetic
- biomagnetic
- biomimetic
- bioprosthetic
- biosynthetic
- blastogenetic
- blastokinetic
- bradykinetic
- calcimimetic
- catagenetic
- cataphoretic
- cenogenetic
- chemokinetic
- chemosynthetic
- cholekinetic
- chondrogenetic
- chromomagnetic
- chronogenetic
- cladogenetic
- cosmogenetic
- cosmopoietic
- cryomagnetic
- cryptogenetic
- cytogenetic
- cytokinetic
- cytophyletic
- diagenetic
- diakinetic
- diamagnetic
- dianoetic
- diapedetic
- diaphoretic
- diapyetic
- diplogenetic
- ectogenetic
- endogenetic
- endoprosthetic
- epexegetic
- epigenetic
- epilimnetic
- epimeletic
- ethopoetic
- exogenetic
- ferrimagnetic
- ferromagnetic
- frontogenetic
- gadopentetic
- gamogenetic
- gastrokinetic
- geomagnetic
- geosynthetic
- glossogenetic
- glottogenetic
- glycogenetic
- glycomimetic
- gonopoietic
- graph-theoretic
- group-theoretic
- gynogenetic
- gyrokinetic
- gyromagnetic
- helimagnetic
- hemiparetic
- heterauxetic
- histogenetic
- hologenetic
- holophyletic
- homogametic
- homogenetic
- homophyletic
- hydrokinetic
- hydromagnetic
- hyperemetic
- hyperkinetic
- hypermagnetic
- hyperpyretic
- hypnogenetic
- hypnogenetic
- hypoesthetic
- hypogenetic
- hypokinetic
- hypolimnetic
- idiothetic
- Indo-Gangetic
- interkinetic
- isogametic
- isogenetic
- isokinetic
- isomagnetic
- kaliuretic
- klinokinetic
- logarithmetic
- lymphopoietic
- lysigenetic
- lysogenetic
- metagenetic
- metakinetic
- metalimnetic
- miscegenetic
- mitogenetic
- monogenetic
- monophyletic
- Monotheletic
- morphogenetic
- morphophonetic
- morphopoietic
- mucokinetic
- multiphyletic
- mutagenetic
- myogenetic
- myokinetic
- mythopoetic
- natriuretic
- neogenetic
- nephelauxetic
- nephrogenetic
- neurogenetic
- neuromimetic
- neuroprosthetic
- nomogenetic
- nonalphabetic
- nondiabetic
- nonsympathetic
- nosogenetic
- oenopoetic
- oncogenetic
- ontogenetic
- oogenetic
- optogenetic
- optokinetic
- orogenetic
- orthogenetic
- orthokinetic
- ovigenetic
- palingenetic
- paragenetic
- parakinetic
- paramagnetic
- paraparetic
- paraphyletic
- parasynthetic
- pathogenetic
- periegetic
- perigenetic
- peripatetic
- Peripatetic
- periprosthetic
- petrogenetic
- phellogenetic
- phenogenetic
- photogenetic
- photokinetic
- photomagnetic
- photophoretic
- photosynthetic
- phrenomagnetic
- phylogenetic
- phytogenetic
- poliorcetic
- polygenetic
- polyphyletic
- polysynthetic
- prediabetic
- presympathetic
- prosiopetic
- protogenetic
- pseudo-poetic
- pseudoprophetic
- psychogenetic
- psychokinetic
- psychomimetic
- psychophonetic
- psychosynthetic
- pyrogenetic
- pyrokinetic
- pyromagnetic
- pyrosynthetic
- quadriparetic
- radiesthetic
- rhynchokinetic
- schizogenetic
- selenodetic
- semisynthetic
- set-theoretic
- speromagnetic
- statokinetic
- telekinetic
- telepathetic
- tetraparetic
- theopathetic
- thermogenetic
- thermomagnetic
- thrombopoietic
- thyromimetic
- unenergetic
- unsympathetic
- uropoietic
- vagomimetic
- xenogenetic
- zoomagnetic
- zoomimetic
- zygogenetic
Six syllables
[edit]- archaeogenetic, archeogenetic
- archaeomagnetic, archeomagnetic
- haematogenetic, hematogenetic
- haematopoietic, hematopoietic
- palaeogenetic, paleogenetic
- palaeomagnetic, paleomagnetic
- abiogenetic
- acheiropoietic
- acoustomagnetic
- adipogenetic
- adipokinetic
- adrenomimetic
- agamogenetic
- alexipyretic
- angiokinetic
- angiopoietic
- anthropogenetic
- anthropopathetic
- antidiabetic
- antidiuretic
- antidyskinetic
- antisympathetic
- aposiopetic
- biocybernetic
- bioenergetic
- cardiokinetic
- cheirokinesthetic
- cholinomimetic
- crystallogenetic
- curarimimetic
- cyanogenetic
- dyshemopoietic
- dysontogenetic
- electrokinetic
- electromagnetic
- electrophoretic
- electrosynthetic
- embryogenetic
- endoenergetic
- enterokinetic
- epeirogenetic
- erythropoietic
- etepimeletic
- galactopoietic
- galvanomagnetic
- gametokinetic
- gastroprokinetic
- granulopoietic
- gravitomagnetic
- heliomagnetic
- heterogametic
- heterogenetic
- heterophyletic
- hydrocholeretic
- hyperenergetic
- hysterokinetic
- idiogenetic
- idiopathetic
- immunogenetic
- ionophoretic
- iontophoretic
- isoenergetic
- karyokinetic
- keratogenetic
- kinetogenetic
- lacrimomimetic
- magnetophoretic
- melanogenetic
- metadiegetic
- metallogenetic
- metatheoretic
- minerogenetic
- monoalphabetic
- monoenergetic
- morphinomimetic
- mycetogenetic
- neoabietic
- neurosympathetic
- nonphotosynthetic
- nucleogenetic
- nucleosynthetic
- number-theoretic
- oligosynthetic
- opticokinetic
- organogenetic
- orthosympathetic
- osteogenetic
- overenergetic
- oversympathetic
- parasympathetic
- parthenogenetic
- peptidomimetic
- perisympathetic
- phantasmogenetic
- pharmacogenetic
- pharmacokinetic
- piezomagnetic
- polyalphabetic
- psychotomimetic
- radiomimetic
- sociogenetic
- spermatogenetic
- spondylolisthetic
- sympathomimetic
- symphyogenetic
- teratogenetic
- toxicokinetic
- ultraenergetic
- unapologetic
- vagosympathetic
- vitellogenetic
Seven syllables
[edit]- neuroleptanaesthetic, neuroleptanesthetic
- onomatopoetic, onomatopoietic
- antiferromagnetic
- antihyperkinetic
- cardiosympathetic
- cholecystokinetic
- diadochokinetic
- dyshematopoietic
- gluconeogenetic
- isotachophoretic
- myelinogenetic
- oculosympathetic
- photomorphogenetic
- somatosympathetic
- superparamagnetic
- sympathicomimetic