Reconstruction talk:Proto-Indo-European/-kt

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Are there any roots other than √CeH that are attested to use k-aorist/perfective? From the commonly quoted examples in Greek, the main three ἔθηκα, ἔδωκα, ἕηκα reflect *dʰeh₁-, *deh₃-, *(H)yeh₁-. In principle, the k-aorist is an extension of the root aorist (although its endings are the same as first aorist), which itself is mostly limited to √CeH-roots to start with. Despite that, if counter-examples don't come up, it's probably worth mentioning under Usage notes that (as far as evidence goes) the k-aorist is limited to √CeH-roots? 11:15, 2 December 2019 (UTC)Reply