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This Proto-Slavic entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.


Anser anser

Etymology 1


Etymology disputed. Two theories:

A direct inheritance from Proto-Balto-Slavic *gansís, from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰh₂éns, citing the accentuation matching (i-stem with mobile accentuation) with that of the Baltic equivalent as well as the formal match between *gǫserъ (gander) with Latin ānser.[3]



*gǫ̑sь f[4]

  1. goose
Declension of *gǫ̑sь (i-stem, accent paradigm c)
singular dual plural
nominative *gǫ̑sь *gǫ̑si *gǫ̑si
genitive *gǫsí *gǫsьjù, *gǫšu* *gǫsь̀jь
dative *gǫ̑si *gǫsьmà *gǫ̑sьmъ
accusative *gǫ̑sь *gǫ̑si *gǫ̑si
instrumental *gǫsьjǫ́ *gǫsьmà *gǫsьmì
locative *gǫsí *gǫsьjù, *gǫšu* *gǫ̑sьxъ
vocative *gǫsi *gǫ̑si *gǫ̑si

* The second form occurs in languages that contract early across /j/ (e.g. Czech), while the first form occurs in languages that do not (e.g. Russian).

Derived terms
Further reading
  • Vasmer, Max (1964–1973) “гусь”, in Oleg Trubachyov, transl., Этимологический словарь русского языка [Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language] (in Russian), Moscow: Progress
  • Olander, Thomas (2001) “gǫsь gǫsi”, in Common Slavic Accentological Word List[3], Copenhagen: Editiones Olander:m. c (SA 25; PR 138)
  • Snoj, Marko (2016) “gọ̑s”, in Slovenski etimološki slovar [Slovenian Etymology Dictionary] (in Slovene), 3rd edition, https://fran.si:*gǫ̑sь


  1. ^ Meillet, Antoine (1924) Le slave commun, Paris: Champion
  2. ^ Živlóv, M. A. (2016) “Review of S. Pronk-Tiethoff «The Germanic loanwords in Proto-Slavic»”, in Journal of Language Relationship[1] (in Russian), volume 14/1, Moscow: Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian State University for the Humanities, Gorgias Press, page 67:
    Отсутствие «сатемного» рефлекса в славянском при его наличии в балтийском было объяснено еще А. Мейе: в славянском (в отличие от балтийского) в словах, содержащих сибилянт *s, не наблюдается результатов перехода ПИЕ *ḱ > *s и *ǵ, ǵʰ > *z. Правило Мейе не было опровергнуто позднейшими исследователями — оно было просто забыто. [The absence of a “satem” reflex in the Slavic, when present in the Baltic, was explained by A. Meillet: in the Slavic (unlike the Baltic) words containing the sibilant *s, the results of the PIE *ḱ > *s and *ǵ, ǵʰ > *z transition are not observed. Meillet’s rule was not refuted by later researchers — it was simply forgotten.]
    Otsutstvije «satemnovo» refleksa v slavjanskom pri jevo naličii v baltijskom bylo obʺjasneno ješče A. Mejje: v slavjanskom (v otličije ot baltijskovo) v slovax, soderžaščix sibiljant *s, ne nabljudajetsja rezulʹtatov perexoda PIJe *ḱ > *s i *ǵ, ǵʰ > *z. Pravilo Mejje ne bylo oprovergnuto pozdnejšimi issledovateljami — ono bylo prosto zabyto. [The absence of a “satem” reflex in the Slavic, when present in the Baltic, was explained by A. Meillet: in the Slavic (unlike the Baltic) words containing the sibilant *s, the results of the PIE *ḱ > *s and *ǵ, ǵʰ > *z transition are not observed. Meillet’s rule was not refuted by later researchers — it was simply forgotten.]
  3. ^ Pronk-Tiethoff, Saskia E. (2013) The Germanic loanwords in Proto-Slavic[2], Amsterdam - New York: Rodopi, →ISBN, page 193
  4. ^ Derksen, Rick (2008) “*gǫ̑sь”, in Etymological Dictionary of the Slavic Inherited Lexicon (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 4), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, page 184:f. i (c) ‘goose’

Etymology 2


From *gǫ̑sь (goose) +‎ *-ьjь.




  1. (relational) goose


  1. ^ Sławski, Franciszek, editor (2001), “gǫsьjь”, in Słownik prasłowiański [Proto-Slavic Dictionary] (in Polish), volume 8 (goda – gyža), Wrocław: Ossolineum, →ISBN, page 173
  2. ^ Trubachyov, Oleg, editor (1980), “*gǫsьjь”, in Этимологический словарь славянских языков [Etymological dictionary of Slavic languages] (in Russian), numbers 7 (*golvačь – *gyžati), Moscow: Nauka, page 89