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This Proto-Celtic entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





From Proto-Indo-European *stéh₂yeti.




  1. to stand
  2. to be


Thematic present, suffixless preterite
Active voice
Present Imperfect Future Preterite
1st singular *tāyū *tāyemam *titāsū *tetū
2nd singular *tāyesi *tāyetās *titāsesi *tetūs
3rd singular *tāyeti *tāyeto *titāseti *tetū
1st plural *tāyomosi *tāyemo *titāsomosi *tetamo
2nd plural *tāyetesi *tāyestē *titāsetesi *tetate
3rd plural *tāyonti *tāyento *titāsonti *tetars
Pres. subjunctive Past subjunctive Imperative
1st singular *tāsū ?
2nd singular *tāsesi ? *tāye
3rd singular *tāseti ? *tāyetou
1st plural *tāsomosi ? *tāyomos
2nd plural *tāsetesi ? *tāyete
3rd plural *tāsonti ? *tāyontou
Passive voice
Present Imperfect Future Preterite
1st singular *tāyūr *titāsūr
2nd singular *tāyetar *titāsetar
3rd singular *tāyetor ? *titāsetor
1st plural *tāyommor *titāsommor
2nd plural *tāyedwe *titāsedwe
3rd plural *tāyontor ? *titāsontor
Pres. subjunctive Past subjunctive Imperative
1st singular *tāsūr
2nd singular *tāsetar
3rd singular *tāsetor
1st plural *tāsommor
2nd plural *tāsedwe
3rd plural *tāsontor
Declension of the present participle
masculine singular dual plural
nominative *tāyonts *tāyonte *tāyontes
vocative *tāyonts *tāyonte *tāyontes
accusative *tāyontam *tāyonte *tāyontans
genitive *tāyantos *? *tāyantom
dative *tāyantei *tāyantbom *tāyantbos
instrumental *tāyantī? *tāyantbim *tāyantbis
feminine singular dual plural
nominative *tāyantī *tāyantī *tāyantiyās
vocative *tāyantī *tāyantī *tāyantiyās
accusative *tāyantīm *tāyantī *tāyantiyans
genitive *tāyantyās *? *tāyantyom
dative *tāyantyāi *tāyantyābom *tāyantyābos
instrumental *? *tāyantyābim *tāyantyābis
neuter singular dual plural
nominative *tāyont *? *tāyonta
vocative *tāyont *? *tāyonta
accusative *tāyont *? *tāyonta
genitive *tāyantos *? *tāyantom
dative *tāyantei *? *tāyantbos
instrumental *tāyantī? *? *tāyantbis
Declension of the middle participle
masculine singular dual plural
nominative *tāyomnos *tāyomnou *tāyomnoi
vocative *tāyomne *tāyomnou *tāyomnoi
accusative *tāyomnom *tāyomnou *tāyomnons
genitive *tāyomnī *tāyomnous *tāyomnom
dative *tāyomnūi *tāyomnobom *tāyomnobos
instrumental *tāyomnū *tāyomnobim *tāyomnobis
feminine singular dual plural
nominative *tāyomnā *tāyomnai *tāyomnās
vocative *tāyomnā *tāyomnai *tāyomnās
accusative *tāyomnam *tāyomnai *tāyomnans
genitive *tāyomnās *tāyomnous *tāyomnom
dative *tāyomnai *tāyomnābom *tāyomnābos
instrumental *? *tāyomnābim *tāyomnābis
neuter singular dual plural
nominative *tāyomnom *tāyomnou *tāyomnā
vocative *tāyomnom *tāyomnou *tāyomnā
accusative *tāyomnom *tāyomnou *tāyomnā
genitive *tāyomnī *tāyomnous *tāyomnom
dative *tāyomnūi *tāyomnobom *tāyomnobos
instrumental *tāyomnū *tāyomnobim *tāyomnobis
Declension of the past participle
masculine singular dual plural
nominative *tatos *tatou *tatoi
vocative *tate *tatou *tatoi
accusative *tatom *tatou *tatons
genitive *tatī *tatous *tatom
dative *tatūi *tatobom *tatobos
instrumental *tatū *tatobim *tatobis
feminine singular dual plural
nominative *tatā *tatai *tatās
vocative *tatā *tatai *tatās
accusative *tatam *tatai *tatans
genitive *tatās *tatous *tatom
dative *tatai *tatābom *tatābos
instrumental *? *tatābim *tatābis
neuter singular dual plural
nominative *tatom *tatou *tatā
vocative *tatom *tatou *tatā
accusative *tatom *tatou *tatā
genitive *tatī *tatous *tatom
dative *tatūi *tatobom *tatobos
instrumental *tatū *tatobim *tatobis


  • Proto-Brythonic: *tọ
  • Old Irish: táth-
  • Old Irish: at·tá (< *ad-tāyeti)
    • Irish:
    • Manx: ta
    • Scottish Gaelic: tha

Further reading
