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This Proto-Celtic entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





O-grade causative formation from Proto-Indo-European *senh₂- (to reach, attain).




  1. to chase, hunt down


Active voice
Present Imperfect Future Preterite
1st singular *soneyū *sonīmam ?
2nd singular *sonīsi *sonītās ?
3rd singular *sonīti *sonīto ?
1st plural *soneyomosi *sonīmo ?
2nd plural *sonītesi *sonīstē ?
3rd plural *soneyonti *sonīnto ?
Pres. subjunctive Past subjunctive Imperative
1st singular ? ?
2nd singular ? ? *sonī
3rd singular ? ? *sonītou
1st plural ? ? *soneyomos
2nd plural ? ? *sonīte
3rd plural ? ? *soneyontou
Passive voice
Present Imperfect Future Preterite
1st singular *soneyūr ?
2nd singular *sonītar ?
3rd singular *sonītor ? ?
1st plural *soneyommor ?
2nd plural *sonīdwe ?
3rd plural *soneyontor ? ?
Pres. subjunctive Past subjunctive Imperative
1st singular ?
2nd singular ?
3rd singular ?
1st plural ?
2nd plural ?
3rd plural ?
Declension of the present participle
masculine singular dual plural
nominative *soneyonts *soneyonte *soneyontes
vocative *soneyonts *soneyonte *soneyontes
accusative *soneyontam *soneyonte *soneyontans
genitive *soneyantos *? *soneyantom
dative *soneyantei *soneyantbom *soneyantbos
instrumental *soneyantī? *soneyantbim *soneyantbis
feminine singular dual plural
nominative *soneyantī *soneyantī *soneyantiyās
vocative *soneyantī *soneyantī *soneyantiyās
accusative *soneyantīm *soneyantī *soneyantiyans
genitive *soneyantyās *? *soneyantyom
dative *soneyantyāi *soneyantyābom *soneyantyābos
instrumental *? *soneyantyābim *soneyantyābis
neuter singular dual plural
nominative *soneyont *? *soneyonta
vocative *soneyont *? *soneyonta
accusative *soneyont *? *soneyonta
genitive *soneyantos *? *soneyantom
dative *soneyantei *? *soneyantbos
instrumental *soneyantī? *? *soneyantbis
Declension of the middle participle
masculine singular dual plural
nominative *soneyomnos *soneyomnou *soneyomnoi
vocative *soneyomne *soneyomnou *soneyomnoi
accusative *soneyomnom *soneyomnou *soneyomnons
genitive *soneyomnī *soneyomnous *soneyomnom
dative *soneyomnūi *soneyomnobom *soneyomnobos
instrumental *soneyomnū *soneyomnobim *soneyomnobis
feminine singular dual plural
nominative *soneyomnā *soneyomnai *soneyomnās
vocative *soneyomnā *soneyomnai *soneyomnās
accusative *soneyomnam *soneyomnai *soneyomnans
genitive *soneyomnās *soneyomnous *soneyomnom
dative *soneyomnai *soneyomnābom *soneyomnābos
instrumental *? *soneyomnābim *soneyomnābis
neuter singular dual plural
nominative *soneyomnom *soneyomnou *soneyomnā
vocative *soneyomnom *soneyomnou *soneyomnā
accusative *soneyomnom *soneyomnou *soneyomnā
genitive *soneyomnī *soneyomnous *soneyomnom
dative *soneyomnūi *soneyomnobom *soneyomnobos
instrumental *soneyomnū *soneyomnobim *soneyomnobis
Declension of the past participle
masculine singular dual plural
nominative *sonetos *sonetou *sonetoi
vocative *sonete *sonetou *sonetoi
accusative *sonetom *sonetou *sonetons
genitive *sonetī *sonetous *sonetom
dative *sonetūi *sonetobom *sonetobos
instrumental *sonetū *sonetobim *sonetobis
feminine singular dual plural
nominative *sonetā *sonetai *sonetās
vocative *sonetā *sonetai *sonetās
accusative *sonetam *sonetai *sonetans
genitive *sonetās *sonetous *sonetom
dative *sonetai *sonetābom *sonetābos
instrumental *? *sonetābim *sonetābis
neuter singular dual plural
nominative *sonetom *sonetou *sonetā
vocative *sonetom *sonetou *sonetā
accusative *sonetom *sonetou *sonetā
genitive *sonetī *sonetous *sonetom
dative *sonetūi *sonetobom *sonetobos
instrumental *sonetū *sonetobim *sonetobis


  • Gaulish: soniti
  • >? Celtiberian: uerzoniti