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This Proto-Celtic entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





From Proto-Indo-European *ǵéwseti (to taste, choose), converted to the zero grade.




  1. to choose


Thematic present, suffixless preterite
Active voice
Present Imperfect Future Preterite
1st singular *gusū *gusemam *gigussū *gugousa
2nd singular *gusesi *gusetās *gigussesi *gugousas?
3rd singular *guseti *guseto *gigusseti *gugouse
1st plural *gusomosi *gusemo *gigussomosi *gugousmo
2nd plural *gusetesi *gusestē *gigussetesi *gugouse
3rd plural *gusonti *gusento *gigussonti *gugousars
Pres. subjunctive Past subjunctive Imperative
1st singular *goussū ?
2nd singular *goussesi ? *guse
3rd singular *gousseti ? *gusetou
1st plural *goussomosi ? *gusomos
2nd plural *goussetesi ? *gusete
3rd plural *goussonti ? *gusontou
Passive voice
Present Imperfect Future Preterite
1st singular *gusūr *gigussūr *gugousra
2nd singular *gusetar *gigussetar *gugousras?
3rd singular *gusetor ? *gigussetor *gugousre
1st plural *gusommor *gigussommor ?
2nd plural *gusedwe *gigussedwe ?
3rd plural *gusontor ? *gigussontor ?
Pres. subjunctive Past subjunctive Imperative
1st singular *goussūr
2nd singular *goussetar
3rd singular *goussetor
1st plural *goussommor
2nd plural *goussedwe
3rd plural *goussontor
Declension of the present participle
masculine singular dual plural
nominative *gusonts *gusonte *gusontes
vocative *gusonts *gusonte *gusontes
accusative *gusontam *gusonte *gusontans
genitive *gusantos *? *gusantom
dative *gusantei *gusantbom *gusantbos
instrumental *gusantī? *gusantbim *gusantbis
feminine singular dual plural
nominative *gusantī *gusantī *gusantiyās
vocative *gusantī *gusantī *gusantiyās
accusative *gusantīm *gusantī *gusantiyans
genitive *gusantyās *? *gusantyom
dative *gusantyāi *gusantyābom *gusantyābos
instrumental *? *gusantyābim *gusantyābis
neuter singular dual plural
nominative *gusont *? *gusonta
vocative *gusont *? *gusonta
accusative *gusont *? *gusonta
genitive *gusantos *? *gusantom
dative *gusantei *? *gusantbos
instrumental *gusantī? *? *gusantbis
Declension of the middle participle
masculine singular dual plural
nominative *gusomnos *gusomnou *gusomnoi
vocative *gusomne *gusomnou *gusomnoi
accusative *gusomnom *gusomnou *gusomnons
genitive *gusomnī *gusomnous *gusomnom
dative *gusomnūi *gusomnobom *gusomnobos
instrumental *gusomnū *gusomnobim *gusomnobis
feminine singular dual plural
nominative *gusomnā *gusomnai *gusomnās
vocative *gusomnā *gusomnai *gusomnās
accusative *gusomnam *gusomnai *gusomnans
genitive *gusomnās *gusomnous *gusomnom
dative *gusomnai *gusomnābom *gusomnābos
instrumental *? *gusomnābim *gusomnābis
neuter singular dual plural
nominative *gusomnom *gusomnou *gusomnā
vocative *gusomnom *gusomnou *gusomnā
accusative *gusomnom *gusomnou *gusomnā
genitive *gusomnī *gusomnous *gusomnom
dative *gusomnūi *gusomnobom *gusomnobos
instrumental *gusomnū *gusomnobim *gusomnobis
Declension of the past participle
masculine singular dual plural
nominative *gustos *gustou *gustoi
vocative *guste *gustou *gustoi
accusative *gustom *gustou *gustons
genitive *gustī *gustous *gustom
dative *gustūi *gustobom *gustobos
instrumental *gustū *gustobim *gustobis
feminine singular dual plural
nominative *gustā *gustai *gustās
vocative *gustā *gustai *gustās
accusative *gustam *gustai *gustans
genitive *gustās *gustous *gustom
dative *gustai *gustābom *gustābos
instrumental *? *gustābim *gustābis
neuter singular dual plural
nominative *gustom *gustou *gustā
vocative *gustom *gustou *gustā
accusative *gustom *gustou *gustā
genitive *gustī *gustous *gustom
dative *gustūi *gustobom *gustobos
instrumental *gustū *gustobim *gustobis


  • Old Irish: asa·gúsi
  • Old Irish: do·goa


  1. ^ Schumacher, Stefan, Schulze-Thulin, Britta (2004) Die keltischen Primärverben: ein vergleichendes, etymologisches und morphologisches Lexikon [The Celtic Primary Verbs: A comparative, etymological and morphological lexicon] (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft; 110) (in German), Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen der Universität Innsbruck, →ISBN, pages 356-361