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English Wikipedia has an article on:

Proper noun



  1. The most northern of Sweden's three lands (landsdelar), the other being Götaland and Svealand.

Derived terms



Swedish Wikipedia has an article on:
Wikipedia sv

Proper noun


Norrland n (genitive Norrlands)

  1. Norrland; the northern part of Sweden
    • (Can we date this quote?), Cho San Elite (lyrics and music), “Norrlands siesta”‎[1]:
      För jag kommer ifrån Norrland. Mitt ställe är Älvsbyn [hard to make out]. Jag springer alltid omkring med ett kikarsikte i min syn. Har ni sett Jägarna, då vet ni vad jag menar. Jag tjuvskjuter renar. Spelar ingen roll om de har spenar.
      Because I come from Norrland. My place is Älvsbyn. I'm always running around with a rifle scope [telescopic sight] in my sight / vision. If you have seen "The Hunters," then you know what I mean. I poach reindeer. Doesn't matter if they have teats.

Derived terms


See also


