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Alternative forms




Compound of N (N) +‎ IVA (ICU), an acronym of neuro- (neuro-) +‎ intensivvårdsavdelning (intensive care unit).


  • IPA(key): /ˈniːva/
  • Audio (Kronoberg):(file)



NIVA c (uncountable)

  1. (healthcare) Acronym of neurointensivvårdsavdelning (neuro-ICU, neurointensive care unit).
    • 2012 March 1, several authors, “Traumatisk hjärnskada kan ge hypofyssvikt [Traumatic brain injury can cause pituitary insufficiency]”, in Läkartidningen:
      Serumkortisol bör tas på morgonen (t ex kl 08), senast vid utskrivningen från NIVA, men om kliniken antyder kortisol­svikt kan prov behöva tas även tidigare under NIVA-vistelsen.
      Serum cortisol should be taken in the morning (e.g., at 08:00), at the latest upon discharge from the neuro-ICU. However, if clinical signs suggest cortisol deficiency, testing may need to be done earlier during the neuro-ICU stay.
    • 2015 May 2, Fanny Miles, “Neurokliniken först ut på US [Neurosurgery clinic first to open at the university hospital]”, in Vimmerby Tidning:
      Universitetssjukhusets stora ombyggnation har nu gett resultat. I onsdags slogs portarna upp till Neuroklinikens nya avdelning NIVA på plan 12.
      The major reconstruction of the university hospital has now yielded results. On Wednesday, the doors opened to the Neuro Clinic’s new neuro ICU on the 12th floor.
    • 2023 August 1, Jonatan Westin, “Egen MR-kamera på avdelningen gav säkrare undersökningar [Own MRI scanner in the department provided safer examinations]”, in Vårdfokus:
      [MR-]Kameran ligger på samma våningsplan som niva, transporten dit tar högst fyra minuter.
      The [MRI] scanner is on the same floor as the neuro-ICU, and transport there takes no more than four minutes.


Declension of NIVA
nominative genitive
singular indefinite NIVA NIVA:s
definite NIVA:n NIVA:ns
plural indefinite

Usage notes

  • Not to be confused with English NICU (neonatal intensive care unit). See BIVA (NICU).

Derived terms
